Meeting each other

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I woke up the next morning. I started at the new school today. I knew I just got here last night but I needed to do this. Hopefully this school was better. I could only hope.

You think being a witch you wouldn't get bullied. Well you're wrong. In order to protect my secret I had to act like I was mortal. Well in the process I got bullied never had a boyfriend, never been kissed, hell I never even had a friend. Also bad things happened to me because I could not use my powers either. Not that I didn't want to.

I guess it kinda of made it easier though, because I never had to explain why I had to disappear all the time.

The easy part though was explaining my injuries. I'm a klutz. Yep I'm a witch that is a total klutz. Believe it or not your choice.

I looked at myself in the mirror yep that's me no makeup, no dressing up, just plain ole Bella with scars that are hidden by the way I dress.

I pull my collar of my flannel down and look at the half of heart. I sigh.

God he's probably handsome won't even like me. Look at me I'm ugly. I pull my collar back up and put my hair up into ponytail. I grabbed my hoodie and put it on and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Bella!" Sue told me. "Good morning Sue!"

"You know you don't have to go to school yet." She told me.

"I know but I want too. I just can't sit around and do nothing. Besides I'm going to walk to school today." I told her.

"Bella you really don't have to walk I can give you a ride you know." She told me. "I know, beside I'm use to walking anyways." Plus I like the time to myself. I am at my best when I am by myself.

"Alright dear just call if you have any problems." She told me.

"I will!" I drank the rest of my orange juice she gave me and grabbed a slice of a toast before I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

As I was walking on the side of the road I had my headphones listening to my music.I was almost to the school when I felt cold and wet all of a sudden.
I gasp. When I looked up and saw a silver Volvo had just went by.

I stood there just thinking what an idiot he was. Is he blind or something. I took a deep breath and continue walking the rest of the way to school pissed off.

Once I got into the parking lot I could hear Angela calling out my name.

When I looked up she was standing by a group of kids and wouldn't you know it they were standing by the same Volvo that splashed me. Oh you really gotta be kidding me.

I walked up at a faster pace and stopped in front of them. "Bella what on earth happen to you?" Angela asked me. I cut her off before she could even say anything else.

"Who drives this Volvo?" I asked through my clenched teeth. But no one was answering me. They all just stood there looking at me like I was stupid or something. Which was pissing me off even more.

"WHO DRIVES THIS DAMN VOLVO?" I snapped. "I do why?" When I snapped my head to looked to see who it was that said that. I meant with the most gorgeous guy.

He had bronze messy hair, the most beautiful green eyes that I ever seen, he was well built. I mentally slapped myself to put myself back to the task at hand.


"Umm, Bella can I introduce you to Edward Cullen, Edward this is our half sister Bella." Angela told us.

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