Bella mother dies

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I ran off to start helping the magical beings get them to their places so that they could be transported out of here.

I knew Edward and I would have to hide our place completely.

After so long there was a big boom and there were trolls running in from everywhere .

Trolls what the hell. Among other different types of demons.

I knew what they we're here for and it was me. I went to find Edward we were stronger together.

All of a sudden fire balls are coming my way. I froze a creature.

I laughed at my new power because I blew him up after.

I then started to run again but was grabbed from behind.

"LET ME GO YOU CREEP! EDWARD HELP ME!" My necklace glowed brightly and I had to blinked a couple of times because Edward was looking at me shocked."


"HEY LET HER GO!" I stopped and Edward pointed down to the side. I nodded and moved my head to the side.

Edward made a small fireball and hit the troll with it. The troll release his hold on me and I ran into Edward's arms.

"Now how in the hell did you teleport me from right in middle of a battle with a demon Bella?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "I called out your name to come help me. My necklace glowed and you appeared." I explained to him.

Just then we both went flying into the air and I landed and hit my head hard. "Ouch!" I said grabbing the back of my head.

"Bella you alright?" Edward asked me. "Yeah I guess." I looked up and Four trolls were running up behind Edward.

"EDWARD!" He turned around and I grabbed his hand and I put mine up and brought it back then pushed it forward full force and they blew up all at once.

I turned to Edward and smiled. "You ready to kick some demon ass?" I asked him.

Edward gave me a quick kiss. "Let's do it." With our hands still intertwined we started to run and blew up Demons.

I stopped and looked at Edward's sword. "Do you know how to use that?" I asked him.

"Yeah why?" He asked. "Cause I'm going to make another one and they're both going to have magic in them Edward." I told him.

He took his sword out. I touched his sword. "May there be two and they strike the enemy down." I said.

In my other hand a matching sword appeared. Edward and I stood back to back.

"You mean to tell me Bella Swan that you know how to use a sword?" He asked me.

I smiled as a few trolls approached me and I showed Edward my skills.

Then met Edward face to face with our  swords came together.

"Why Edward Cullen there's a lot you don't know about me." I gave him a smart ass grin and a quick kiss on the lips.

"Behind you Bella." I spun and sliced the demon in half then I landed almost to the ground.

I stood up but felt a troll behind me so I did a somersault and came up and push the sword through his chest. Then I twisted around and the sword went through a demons gut.

Edward comes running over. With a smile on his face. My head really started to hurt now but I tried to push it aside.

"ERRRGGHH!" I heard my mother scream a bloodcurdling scream.

A CHARMED LIFE Book One #TheBestBookAwardWhere stories live. Discover now