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We we're out fighting demons with Seth and Angela Swan.

Right now Alice just got grabbed from behind. "Alice move your head to the side now." I thought with my mind instead of saying it out loud.

See I'm a mind reader and can read minds but also can talk to my family without saying a word. I also have other powers too.

I conjure up a fireball in my hand and threw it at the demon's head he became dust.

"Did you have to get so close to my head brother?" Alice whined. "Oh stop whining Alice. Its not like I had much choice now did I?" I asked her.

All of a sudden Alice's eyes went big. "Edward behind you." I whipped my head around just in time to the ground so Alice could freeze him. I got up and kicked him and he shattered.

See my sister Alice can freeze things and also see the future. She has the power of freeze. She also 3 years younger than me.

I have a brother named Emmett he's older by 2 years. He can conjure energy blasts and can make objects into creatures.

Then there our the Hale twins. Jasper and Rose. Jasper has the power of emotions and the ability to shift. What I mean by shift is he can change himself into an objects.

Rose has the power of weather. She can shock people and conjure like lightning, storms what have you.

Then there me Edward Anthony Mason Cullen. My parents said I'm one of the special one. Whatever that's suppose to mean.

I have different types of powers. I keep getting new ones as I grow. When we were bonded together as a family per say. Just us kids. We got our family crest but I ended up with a half of a heart on my shoulder blade below my collar bone.

Something about my mate and we become stronger. At least that's what the great one told me. Everyone has to keep the secret of all us and me being the special one. We protect the mortals from the demons.

All of a sudden I was taken out of my thoughts and grabbed from behind. "You're the one the dark one wants dead." The demon told me. My eyes widen.

"What?" I asked confused. "He doesn't want you coming into your full powers or your role as a.." He was interrupted by Seth hitting him with an energy blast.

"More are coming!" He said.Then he was hit with a flame. I gasp and turned around to see Angela standing there.

"Look Edward, I don't know what he just told you. But when are you going to get in your head that you're not a damn shield." She told me.

I shake my head and put my arm around her shoulder. "I know, but you can't blame a guy for trying now can you?" Angela laughs and shakes her head then punches me in the arm.

"Hey sis we been summoned home. Dad said it was important." Angela nodded.

My family met up with me and we said our goodbyes. We joined hands and went home.

I went up to the attic and was trying to do some research to what the demon told me.

"What is it honey?" I looked up to see my mother standing the door way.

"It's something the demon said to me tonight when he had a hold of me. You're the one the dark one wants dead. But he also said something else. He doesn't want me coming into my full powers or my role as a. He never got to finish because Angela killed him." I told her.

"CARLISLE!" I snapped my head up and looked at my mother when she yelled out for my father. She was blocking me from her mind. "Mom what is it?" I asked her.

"Yes dear?" My father shimmered in. "Carlisle it's starting." She told him and I looked between the both of them confused.

"Hold on a minute what's starting?" I didn't understand what was happening.

"I mean I know that I'm the special one but from what you told me I'm not the only one." I told them.

"Son that's just not all. It's about this to and much more." My dad pulled back the collar of my shirt to expose the half of heart. It was glowing now. My eyes widen in shock.

"Whow!" I looked up at my mother and father. They looked at each other. "She must've just gotten hers." My mother said.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me?" Now I was really confused and I looked back up at at my parents. "I don't understand?" I asked.

"She just united with her siblings as one." My father said. I just looked at them more shocked and more confused.

"You mean to tell me she just united with her brothers and sisters. But how I don't understand. We united when we were old enough. This could only mean she hasn't been with the rest of her family for most of her life."

"That's right son. It was to protect her. Her mother took her away from forks when she was very little." My dad explained.

"Wait you know who it is don't you?" That's when my father blocked his mind from me. "Oh come on!" I hated when they did this to me damn it!

"Sorry son we were told that you two had to find each other. This is the way it's suppose to be son." My dad told me.

Later that night I laid in my bed wondering if I would ever find her and if I would be good enough for her. I guess I will never know until I found her. I also wondered what she be like. I was also confused about why she was spilt up from the rest of her family. It was all confusing to me. I finally fell asleep.

Thank you for reading my story, following me, commenting and voting.

I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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