finding out the other half of the heart

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All I could do is sit there and watch everything unfold in front of me.

Edward eyes started to glow. I didn't even know what to think. I was frozen just watching everything happening.

I barely knew Edward and he was protecting me. I didn't even know the name of the guy that attack me. Why was Edward protecting me?

I could feel my heart racing and I was so scared. My dad bought me a forest green jeep so I have something to drive That same day.

The next night we were called out to fight some demons. I mostly went off on my own. It was the thing I did best on my own anyways.

I could feel someone watching me but when I looked no one was there.

The next day at school I stayed to myself even at lunch. I avoid my family as much as possible to.

I even tried to avoid the Cullen's especially Edward. Because I know he was only trying to protect me that day but I was use to doing things on my own.

I was getting things out of my locker when I heard somebody against the locker next to me.

"So are you always going to avoid everyone or are you going to talk to someone?" I peek around the locker door and see Edward Cullen leaning back against the locker with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Avoid everyone!" I told him. "You know you're going to get hurt that way if you keep avoiding everyone and not work together as a team." I shake my head. "I've done fine by myself for years now. What makes you think I will get hurt now?" I slam my locker door shut so I can get ready to leave.

"Look Bella I heard James mind and seen what he was thinking that day." I cut him off.

"Look Edward, thank you for that. But just because what goes on in school doesn't mean its going to happen out there too. When I do my job I'm focus and that's what's important right." I told him.

"Bella, this isn't Phoenix damn it. This is more I don't know what you think but this is more advanced." I stopped at my jeep and threw my stuff in the back.

"So because I'm from Phoenix and let's say act like I do in school you think I can't handle myself out there either?" I asked grinding my teeth together.

Edward ran his hand through the back of his hair. "You do OR YOU BELIEVE I CAN'T DO IT. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS BULL SHIT!" I go to get in my jeep. I went to go shut my door but Edward stopped me.

"Now Bella, I didn't say.." I cut him off. "You didn't have to Edward. It was in your body language."

"Come on Bella just talk to me please!"

"Let go of my door Edward." He raised his arms up in surrender.

I shut my door and drove off. I decided not to go home. Instead I decided to go for a drive to clear my head.

"Bells what's up? Sue called me." I gasped because Charlie appeared in the passenger seat off my jeep.

"Dad don't you believe in cell phones?" He chuckled. "Nope not when I can do this." I shake my head.

"Now what up Bell's?" I took a deep breath. "Edward fucking Cullen that's my problem."

"Ahh, boy troubles."

"Not that kind of problem. He's being a rude, mean, stupid, ugggh!" My dad started to chuckle.

I turned and glared at my dad. "So not funny dad." He puts his hands up in defense. "Alright give your old man a break here."

All of sudden my necklace started glowing really bright. "BELLS LOOK OUT!" My dad yelled.

I looked up and I  slammed on my breaks and parked my jeep and looked out my window again. I never seen so many demons in one place  in my life time.

"Dad do you see what I'm seeing right now?" I asked him. "Yeah baby girl I do." I turned to my dad. We looked at each other. "You ready to do this?" He asked me.

"Ready as I will  ever be." We got out of the jeep and walked to the front of my jeep and stood there.

"We only want her!" They told us as they pointed at me. I looked at my dad then back at them.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY YOU'RE TAKING ME!" I brought back my hands and threw a energy blast forward.

Five demons got up but they multiplied. My eyes widened.

"DADDY YOU SEE WHAT I'M SEEING?" I screamed out. "I see it baby girl." My dad threw fire balls.

But the same thing kept happening. The next thing I knew I went flying threw the air.


Bella left me standing there and I punched the air. "GOD DAMN IT SHE SO DAMN STUBBORN!" I yell out. Why in the hell won't she let me fucking in? I finally drove home.

Later that night I was sitting at the dinner table and I was thinking about what I said to Bella.

Maybe I was wrong for saying that to her. I thought about it as I was pushing my food around on my plate.

What was I thinking anyways. She keeps blocking me out. Who in the hell hurt her this much damn it. Just then I felt a pain where the half a heart was on my shoulder. I grabbed it and gasped.

Then I seen a flash of a bunch of demons. "Son are you alright?" I looked up and seen my dad standing next to me. "I'm not sure." Then the pain happen again and I fell off the chair. My dad came over and kneeled down beside me and lowered my collar of my shirt and the half of heart was glowing now.

I looked up at him with concern in my eyes. "Dad I seen demons a lot of them." I told him.

"Son it's time. Focus on the other half of the heart she's in danger. Will be right behind you." I just nodded.

I stood up and closed my eyes. I focus on the other half of the heart.
The next thing I knew before I even could open my eyes I went flying. When I hit the ground I heard Bella call out my name.

You gotta be kidding me right now. I thought to myself.I opened my eyes and she was crawling over to me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. Then she gasped. I looked to see what she was looking at and I followed her glaze and she was looking at my shoulder.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw something glowing in the same spot underneath her shirt.

I reached up and moved her shirt over the spot. There it was the other half of the heart and it was glowing.

I gasp and looked up into her eyes. I was trying to figure out now how to fix what I messed up.

Then Bella was gone. What the hell. "EDWARD UP HERE!" I looked up and she was in the air now.

"BELLS! PUT HER DOWN YOU MAGGOT!" I turned to see Charlie throwing fireballs at the demon but they were multiplying.

"Edwaarrdd!" I quickly looked up to see Bella falling. I blinked just in time to catch her.

We fell to the ground. "Thanks!" She said. Then we heard a loud noise.
We both turned and looked and Charlie was on the ground.

"DDAAADDDYY NNOO!" Bella got up and ran over to him. I went to run after her but a demon had a hold of her.

"NOOOO!" I screamed out. I ran over just in time for us both to be transported to somewhere.

Thank you for reading my stories, for following, voting, and commenting.

I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and story.

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