Making Edward thinking place into Edward and Bella's special place

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I felt arms wrapped around me and someone kiss the top of my head. But I wasn't going to move from Edward.

I wasn't ready to. I feel like I lost my best friend and we didn't even get a chance.

My tears betrayed me yet again. But this is where I felt safe.

"Shhh, it's alright!" My eyes shot open hearing that voice. I slowly move my head so I could see if I was dreaming.

There looking back at me where a pair a green eyes. He had a smile on his face.

I bury my face back into his chest. "Okay, This is a dream." He chuckled.

He lifted my head so my face was up again. "This isn't a dream Bella." He said.

"No, no it's a dream because you died. So there's no way you can be talking to me right now." I said.

I bury my face again. Edward starts laughing now. I heard the bedroom door open.

"I take it she woke up?" I heard my Dad ask. "Yeah, but she keeps saying it's a dream though." Edward said.

I feel the bed move and then I feel a hand on my head. "Bells look at me Baby girl." I heard my dad say. I turn my head and lay my head sideways on Edward's chest.

My dad brushes some hair back behind my ear. "You're not dreaming Baby girl. Edward alive thanks to you." I looked at my dad confused.

"When you came back in here we seen the whole room light up. We walked in here and your whole body was glowing.
Then it wrapped around Edward. I never seen anything like it before. Then when the glow slowly went away Edward took a deep breath. Then his eyes open but you passed out. Edward wouldn't let us move you." My dad said.

A smile grew on my face. "We also need to talk later. But know this Bells I do love you and I never meant to hurt you ever." My dad kissed the top of my head and walked out.

I didn't move, I wanted to stay like this forever no matter what. I still had this bad feeling though something was wrong though. "Edward what did my dad mean by that he never meant to hurt me?" I asked him.

Was my dream real I wondered. "I don't know if you'll believe me Bella." He said.

"Try me you might be surprise." I told him. "Well somehow I think I was in your dream. We talked of course we argue and I watch a.." I finished his sentence.

"You watch the wall I built up come crashing down." I told him. But I also still feel other walls up still and I don't understand why.

"Yeah, so that actually was your dream I was in?" He asked.

"I'm not sure if it was a dream now. I mean it was like a dream state but what if it wasn't Edward. What if it was a way we could communicate." I told him.

"I never thought about it that way but it could've been. I suppose somehow you or we found a way to contact each other and I had to somehow get you to break down your wall you built up." He told me.

I just laid there. "Bella will you please look at me." I lifted my head and looked into Edward's green eyes.

"There you are." I smiled. "Now do me a favor!" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's not that bad trust me. But you do need to move please!" I moved off of him and he slowly got up. "I'll be right back I promise." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

I watched him slowly walk out. I was laying there then suddenly realized I had to use the little girl's room I slowly got up and walked down the stairs I stood in front of the closed new bathroom door.

A CHARMED LIFE Book One #TheBestBookAwardWhere stories live. Discover now