Bella comes into half her powers and her and Edward powers connect.

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I woke up and Edward was gone. On the bed laid a dress that look like it was from the medieval days.

It was blue and white and long. "COME ON REALLY I HATE DRESSES!" I looked around for shoes and there wasn't any.

I giggled at the thought of be able to at least getting my way on that.

I ran into my bathroom and noticed the bath was already made with rose petals in it.

I giggled again knowing it was Edward. I will have to thank him later for this.

I can't believe he gave me a claw foot bathtub and it was deep to.

I slowly got into the bathtub and slid down into the hot water.

The water even smelled like roses it smelled so good.

I grabbed my shampoo and wash my hair and then condition my hair. I grabbed the body wash and washed myself and found out it smelled like flowers.

I giggled that I was going to smell like roses and wild flowers.

Once I was out of the bathtub I took the blow dryer and dried my hair and left it down.

No make up of course I wanted to be natural. I walk out into the bedroom.

I can't believe I'm wearing a dress. It's blue like a blue with white in it. It's a medieval Celtic dress.

It's tradition for us to wear. The best thing about it I get to be bare foot and free from shoes.

I put the dress on and strangely enough I felt comfortable in it.

Just then I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said.

"Oh honey you look so good." I smiled when I heard my mother's voice.

I turned around and she was dressed in a red Celtic dress of her own with a hood attach to it.

She had a blue caped hood draped over her arms.

"This is for you honey." I took it from her and put it on. Just then my father and Grandmother walked in there medieval outfits.

I couldn't help but smile. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went with Edward to join the other elders and magical beings at your guys special place to put finishing touches on it. Now are you ready sweet pea?" My Grandmother asked.

I nodded my head. My father walked up and lifted my hood over my head and kissed my forehead.

My mother took my right arm as my father took my left. My Grandmother stood in front of us.

As we walked out of my bedroom we were teleported to my and Edward's special place.

I gasp at how beautiful it was and trees were all lit up.

The fairies, elves, any good magical being's  you could think of was here.

I seen all the elders, goddess, and gods. Even the woodland creatures were even gathered around.

I looked around for the one person I wanted to see. But couldn't see him.

As we walked everyone made a pathway and bowed slightly.

Once we made it to a rock like ledge that oddly enough looked like the wall that shattered in mine and Edward's world that I built up around my heart.

There was a big tree behind us with flowers hanging down from it.

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