Finding out they create a power together

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I looked up at Edward and he was pacing in frustration. I get up and stand there. "You don't even know so why even bother with someone like me." I told him.

He stopped and looked at me. "I know enough that I'm drawn to you. That all I want to do is protect you. I sit there and watch you every single day since you got here. Just because I can't read your mind I know you're different Bella and I know enough that the more I know about you the more I want to be with you." He walked and stood in front of me.

"I don't care that we're destined to be together all I care about is you Bella." He told me.

I gasped. "I don't know what..." He stopped me by pressing his lips to mine.

I stood there frozen but then I felt a warmth a shock that I never felt before.

I let him kiss him me. He licked my bottom lip and I open my mouth and his tongue tangle with mine.

We pulled away and he leaned his forehead against mine. "Wow!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Wow ain't the word for it." Edward told me and out of the corner of my eye I saw something and lifted my head.

There was a bubble around us and I looked down and we weren't on the ground.

"Edward what's happening?" I asked him. "I'm not sure but don't let go." He told me.

I looked at him again. He smiled. Then pressed his lips to mine again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Uh hum!" We both jumped and fell to the floor. We looked and Edward parents we're standing there with smiles on their faces.

"I think we teleported!" I said as I started to laugh. I heard Edward chuckled. "Yep I think we did." He said. "You two want to explain why you're not at school and you appear in the living room in a bubble mind you floating in the air kissing?" Carlisle asked us.

I started to blush. "Trust me dad it wasn't planned!" Edward said.

"Tanya beat up Bella and I took Bella to my thinking spot to clean up her wounds and talked to her and well we started arguing and well I ended up kissing Bella." He explained.

"Well we can see that but we also see you two have a power together to." Carlisle said.

Edward and I looked at each. "Wait Edward and I can produce a power of our own?" I asked.

"Yes dear but that would mean you would have to open your heart to him." Esme told me.

My eyes widen and I turned to Edward and my anger showed it's pretty face.

"Did you know this is this why you played me? How could you?" I asked Edward.

"Bella I honestly didn't know and I would never play you." He told me.

"How do I know that?" All of a sudden things in the room started shaking.

"Bella calm down please let us talk about this please." Edward was looking up at me and this time there was a red and purple bubble around me.

Edward walked slowly towards me. "No!" I put my hand up and he went flying backwards and hit the wall and slid down to the floor.

He looked at me shaking his head I disappeared and reappeared in my house.

"Bells what are you doing here?" My dad asked. "Dad what's happening to me?" I asked him.

"Bells you're coming into more powers. On your 17th birthday you will have most of your powers until you.."

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