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As Edward stepped into the portal he turned around and looked at me and smiled. Of course I couldn't help but help but smile back.

As he step through the portal and it closed my heart felt like it wasn't whole no more.

I turned and ran upstairs and ran into my room and shut my door.

I slid down to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I still felt like something was still wrong with Edward. I just couldn't stick my finger on it.

The tears finally fell from my eyes. I don't know how long I was laying on the floor curled up into myself when I heard a noise.

I looked around and couldn't find the source of the noise.

Then I heard it again it was coming from my bedside table.

I got up slowly and walked over to it and there was my little pocket mirror shaking.

I picked it up and looked in it and slowly Edward appeared in it.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Edward, is it really you?"

"The one and only. So hey what's this I hear you been locked up in your bedroom for 2 days now?"

"Really it's been that long, I haven't realized it's been.." Edward stopped me.

"Bella It's alright. I get it. You just lost your mom and I left. I'm sorry, but I really need to do this for us. We both need answers."

"I know but.."

"No buts remember our deal we made. If you don't hear from me or you sense anything you can come find us."

"I remember Edward."

"Also remember something else I told you. To think about why you're so confused. If you have to go to our place. Now you'll have to put a another protection spell up but other then that you should be safe there."

"I got something better in mine for our place Edward don't worry about it."

"Okay now that scares me. Don't do anything stupid Bella."

"I won't trust me will you." I smiled. "Alright I'm going to go now. I will contact you in a couple of days. Be safe Bella."

"You be safe to Edward. Remember never say good bye."

"I remember. Now get cleaned up and get out of the house will you."

He gave me my favorite smile. "Okay I will."

"Oh there's something for you at our spot. I teleported there for you."

"I smiled. Thanks Edward talk to you soon."

"Yep talk to you soon." Edward disappeared and I ran into the bathroom and took a shower.

As I got dressed I kept thinking about what Edward said. "Think about what has me so confused."

I grabbed my cape and put my hood on and teleported. First before I look for what Edward sent I need to do something.

I lifted my hands up in the air. "I not only ask for the protection from evil and human from this place but haters and distrust. I ask that nothing but love and kindness fill this place. I hide this place from the real world and place it in between magical world and the real world into such time that I can make it safe."

With that a wave of light blasted through the area and a different shield was up.

On one side I saw the magical world on the other the mortal world. But this place was completely hidden from both worlds now.

The only people that can gain access is me and Edward now.

I finally went and looked for what Edward sent to me.

There was a small box with some flowers of all sorts of colors on it.

I sat down and open the box and there was a little recorder in it with a post it note on it that said play me on it.

I was a little confused. I pressed play.

===temporarily in epov===

"Well I guess you're wondering why I sent this. Well truth be told Bella I sent it before I left because I had a feeling you would need words of encouragement.
You told me never to say goodbye. Well I'm telling you never let go.
Here this song will explain it better. It's called Never let go by Bryan Adams."

Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live?
Can you take what you need but take less than you give?
Could you close everyday without the glory and fame?
Could you hold your head high when no one knows your name?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say

We say goodbye but never let go
We live, we die 'cause you can't save every soul
Gotta take every chance to show that you're the kinda man
Who will never look back, never look down and never let go

Can you lose everything, you ever had planned?
Can you sit down again and play another hand?
Could you risk everything for the chance of being alone?
Under pressure find the grace or would you come undone?
That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say?

We say goodbye, but never let go

We live, we die 'cause you can't save every soul
Gotta take every chance to show that you're the kinda man
Who will never look back, never look down and never let go

Never let go, never let go, never let go
Gotta take every chance to show that you're the kinda man
Who will never look back, never look down and never let go

We say goodbye but never let go
We live, we die but you can't save every soul
Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man
Who will never look back, never look down and never let go

Will never look back, never look down and never let go
Never let go, never let go, never let go

"You were willing to give me your heart to give me life. Bella you risk your life all the time. You're the strongest person I know. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't change who you are, just learn not to push people away that care about you most of all me. This isn't goodbye, this is just hello until next time. Keep your chin up beautiful. Take care and soon enough I will be back in your arms."
==end of epov==

Tears fell from my eyes. "I will never let go Edward I promise."

I sat there and rewind the recorder back to the song and listen to the song again.

I knew then I wasn't confused anymore. I knew how I felt about Edward and when I seen him face to face again I would tell him that I loved him.

I also recorded my own message to Edward for when the time was right and he needed to be strong. I found a place to hide the recorder.

"For when the time comes Edward. I just hope you understand it had to happen this way." I turned and transported back to the house.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest the characters and the story.

A CHARMED LIFE Book One #TheBestBookAwardWhere stories live. Discover now