Edward trys to break Bella's walls down part 2

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"Earth to Bella. What are you thinking?" Edward took me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing really. Edward I really don't know if I can tell you." I told him.

"What are you so scared about damn it?" He asked me. "Of being hurt again. I'm sick of being hurt." He just sat there blinking his eyes.

"UGGGH! Don't make me do this Edward." I told him. "Make you do what exactly? I'm not the one that won't talk or let me in Bella." He told me.

"It's not that easy Edward. God, why does even a dream even got to be a pain in my ass." I snap.

"Okay, back up here. I realize this is your dream Bella but who said I was even a dream. I'm real person here and I don't know how I got into your dream or why I'm in your dream, but I do know this is the real me and my body is laying in your damn bed and damn it I'm dying from saving your ass yet again." He told me.

"I'm not the one that had my back turned towards a lizard demon with venom claws at that." I snapped out.

"I had to in order to get to you. Damn it Bella if you weren't so damn stubborn and closed up all the damn fucking time." He snapped.

"That's not enough Edward. At least you had a loving family all your life. All I had is training. I didn't have my parents or family to help me. I had nothing growing up." I told him.

"Now hold on a minute Bella you had and still have a family." He told me.

"No I didn't. My dad was never around growing up. All my mom did was just teach me how to fight demons and I was sent away for training too. I hardly ever saw my grandmother. So don't tell me how my life was because you weren't ever there. You were here living it up with a mother and father that gave a damn about you. Me I'm just some special object that they just want to throw to the damn wolves." I told him.

"Now I know you're not being fair at all Bella. How do you know your family doesn't care about you?" He asked me.

"It's what I feel in here Edward. It always how I felt. I never been kissed until you kissed me. I never experience things you probably already had like a relationship, love or friendship." I blurted out.

"Bella can I tell you something?" I was already turned away from him afraid to look at his expression.

"What?" I asked him.

"You we're my first." He told me.

"First what Edward?" I asked confused.

"You were my first kiss, first girl I even cared about." He told me.

I slowly turned around. "Your joking right, you're not just saying that?" I asked him.

He walked up closer to me. "I'm telling you the truth Bella. Why is it so hard to believe?" He asked me.

"Because people always tend to lie to me." Edward puts his hand over my heart again.

"Listen with your heart Bella what is it telling you?" He asked me.

Tears started to fall from my eyes. "That your telling the truth." I told him. I heard a noise behind me and I turned and looked and the wall it was starting to crumble.

"See your starting to break the wall down around heart all you had to do is let me in." He told me.

"But you're dying Edward there is no cure. I don't want to lose you not now."

More piece's  started falling. I don't know if I could handle losing him.

"I know. But at least you let me in." He told me. "Who will protect me now Edward?" I asked him.

"Your family I guess. I don't know. But I will always be right here in your heart." He told me.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around Edward as tight I could.

"I don't want to let you go, not yet Edward." Edward wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh! Everything will be alright Bella!" He told me. "No it won't we never even had a chance, I never had chance." I told him.

Then something snapped in my head. The dark one wanted Edward dead.

"No, no, no this can't happen he wins this way." Edward pulled me back to look at me. "What are you talking about Bella?" He asked me.

"Don't you see Edward with you gone the dark one already has me. I don't have a chance. My powers will not become full without you. The Dark one has already won he will have me there's no way I can fight him. Without you I'm lost I can already feel it. It hurts Edward." I grab my chest.

I look up at Edward and he started to disappear. "No Edward you can't leave me." I say.

Edward cups the side of my face and his other hand goes over my heart.

"Trust in your heart Bella." Edward gently presses his lips to mine. I close my eyes but only to open them and he was gone.

"EDWARD DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!" I clutch my chest because it feels like someone punched a hole in it.

As I fall to the ground so does the rest of wall come crashing down. But something still didn't fell right like I had more walls or something.

I woke up gasping and grabbing my chest. Then I heard a gasping noise behind me.

I turn and it's Edward struggling to breath. "NOOOOO, HHEEELLPP MEEE PPPLLEEAASSEE!" I yell out. "Please don't leave me Edward." I pleaded with him as the tears fell.

I heard the door come flying open and people come running in. Someone scoops me up and takes me away from the bed and takes me out of the bedroom.

I look up into my father's eyes. I start pounding my little fist into his chest to let me go.

"Stop Baby girl!" He sits down and wraps his arms around me.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed out. But he wouldn't he just kept holding me.

Carlisle walks out of the bedroom with tears in his eyes. Esme wraps her arms around Carlisle.

His brothers and sisters hug each other crying. My family is crying too.

I stand up and slowly walk back into my bedroom.

I look down at Edward laying there. I close my eyes and let the tears fall.

"I won't let the dark one win. I won't let him take you away from me."

I climb up on to the bed and gently place a kiss on Edward's lips.

I climb on top of him and lay my head over his chest just over his heart.

"I give you my heart Edward. I give you my life to hold in your hands. But just please come back to me." I told him.

I place my hand just beside my face on his chest. My hand started to glow.

I close my eyes and I imagine my whole body glowing then I imagine myself reaching out for Edward to take my hand and to trust me.

Once I felt his hand and his energy I pull it close to me.

That's when I fell asleep feeling his warmth. But something still felt off.

I do not own all of my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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