Edward talks to Bella

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I woke up with my head hurting. Then I remember running and  trying to get to Bella.

I looked around and seen her on the ground with her eyes closed. I quickly crawled over to her. "Bella wake up please!" She started to open her eyes.

She grabbed the back of her head. "Ouch!" I helped her sit up. "Where are we?" She asked. I looked around. It was to dark. I felt my shirt collar being moved.

I looked down to see Bella was looking at my half of heart. It was still glowing. "Of all the people and it had to be you." She shook her head and let go of my shirt.

She pulled her knees up to chest and wrapped her arms around them. I justed watched her.

"Why couldn't they picked someone pretty for you or at least someone other than me." She said. I arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"Wait what would make you say that?" She looked up at me shock.

"Look at me Edward I'm ugly. I don't wear nice clothes, and hell you already don't like me." She told me.

"I never said I didn't like you Bella. Where did you get that idea from?" I asked her.

"Well it's the way you talk to me put me down for demon hunting. The things that happen at school." Tears started falling down her face.

"Listen, I don't hate you. I just don't like seeing you get hurt. Plus. I can't read your mind. You won't even let me in." I explained to her.

"Wait, you can't read my mind, is there something wrong with me?" She asked me.

I chuckled. "I don't think so. But I do  kinda of find it nice though. I mean from hearing everyone else's thoughts that is" I explained to her.

"I hope my dad is alright?" More tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sure he is Bella. Now if I just had some light I can just figure out.."

I was cut off when I started to see a dim light beside me.

"You mean this kind of light?" I turned to face her and she had a small ball of light in her hand.

"If I knew you better I kiss you right now." Bella giggled. Then I realized what I said and turned my head and blushed.

"Can you make it go just a little brighter please?" I asked her.

She did and I got up and started looking around. "Well I don't think we made it to where he wanted to take you." I told her.

"What makes you say that?" She asked me. "Because we're in some type of cave. I've been in the underworld before  and this isn't it. I think I messed him up though."

"Edward when dad and I was fighting them they kept multiplying."

"I know I saw them and this one didn't." I looked down and all there was demon ash.

"Ohhh! I guess he dead." She said. I tried to use teleport but it didn't work. "Shit!"

"What is it Edward?" I looked at her. "Well we're going to have to walk out of here we can't teleport out of here." I told her.

I couldn't figure out why my magic wasn't  working but Bella’s was. But I noticed here necklace had a slight glow to it.

"Bella does your magic work?" She looked at me confused. "What do you think I got this light didn't I?" She asked.

"No Bella that's not what I'm talking about. Try to teleport yourself." I told her.

I watched her and she did nothing. Then she brought her hands back and pushed them forward and nothing.

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