Edward trys to break down Bella's walls part 1

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Sue finally walked into the attic. "You guys alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah except Bella room is completely destroyed now. You guys are going to have to stay up here now." I just nodded.

Sue waved her hand and a bed appeared on one side of the attic.

"Edward you're both safe up here." I just smiled at her and slowly put Bella in the bed. I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

I walked downstairs to where Bella bedroom use to be. "Did you guys really have to take out the whole bedroom? Come on!" I say out loud.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I shake my head at everyone.

My mom and the girls finally teleported in. My mother looked at all of us. "Oh no!" She dropped her arms. "Oh yes and Bella no longer has a bedroom so guess who gets to go shopping for Bella!" I looked at Alice. Then a grin grew on her face and I saw the clothes she wanted to buy Bella.

"Alice no! Same kind of clothes she always wears." I told her. Alice stomped her foot and pouted.

"I'm going back upstairs." mother handed me my bags. I kissed her on the cheek and thanked her.

I walked back up to the attic and set my bag down. I looked around the attic. I really need to give Bella some privacy. I said some words and waved my hand and made Bella a bedroom.

I walked through the door. It isn't much but it will due I guess.

"Edward what you do?" I heard Sue ask and I cringed. I walked out and Sue had her arms crossed and tapping her foot.

"I was only giving Bella some privacy. I thought.. " I stopped talking when she kissed me on the cheek and walked around me.

"That was very gentlemanly of you Edward." I looked at her confused. She walked into the bedroom. "But I would give it a little more room." I raise an eyebrow and walked back into the bedroom.

My eyes went big when I saw Sue made the bedroom bigger.

I quickly walked out of the bedroom and the door was flushed with the wall now. I chuckled and shook my head.

I walked back into the bedroom. "One thing you'll learn about this attic Edward. It has magic all it's own. Unlike the rest of the house." She explained before she walked back out.

I grabbed extra blankets and pillows and made a bed on the floor next to Bella's bed.

Its been two days now and Bella still been out. I was sleeping when I got woke up by Bella screaming.


I woke up and it was dark but I was in a bed that wasn't mine. I started to freak out and screamed.

"Bella calm down you're alright." I slowly looked up to see Edward sitting  beside me.

"Where am I?" I asked him. "Well your at home!" He told me. "Wait this isn't my bedroom." Edward waved his hand and the room lit up.

"Well yes and no. Your bedroom sort of got blew up. And you got moved into the attic."

"Why are you here?" I asked him. "Umm because your father told us to stay here while he went and found your Grandmother." He told me.

"So you're in my bedroom alone with me?" I looked under the blankets and I still had my clothes on.

Edward chuckled. "Don't worry I didn't seduce you or nothing. I been sleeping on the floor see."

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