Chapter 8 In Darkness Light Is Found.

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I am walking through the forest and the light breeze ruffles my fur. Suddenly the floor slips from under me and I tumble into blackness I see the shadows and hear the screams of four kits old enough to be apprentices. Then I see shadows everywhere and they grimace and laugh as I fall past them. "find the four find the four what ever it takes find the four!" a mysteriouse voice yells. I wake up with a jump I start to calm down seeing the warriors of my clan asleep. Nightclaw was sleeping peacfully in his nest next to mine as well as Whitepelt. I lay back down in my nest and sigh. My head rests on my paws as I wait for the golden streaks of sunlight to brighten the sky. I stand up and stretch while yawning. I exit the warriors den and look around.

"Well then I must be the first one to wake up." I think. I walk into the coldness of early dawn and fluff out my fur to conseal the warmth. I hear a faint and far away shreik of terror and freeze. I look around feeling scared. I hear the scream again but closer. I race back to the warriors den and back to my nest in the middle of the den. I hear the scream again even closer and race over to Nightclaw shaking him violently out of fear. He opens his eyes and groans. "Lilypool what gives?" he mummbles. I can hear something breathing outside the den and push my head into Nighclaws belly hoping it would hid me. 

"Lilypool! What are you doing!" Nightclaw asks looking down at me. I was so terrified that I pressed myself as close to Nighclaw as I possibly could. The screaming stopped and so did all the other noises. I was shaking like the last leaf on a tree in leafbare. I looked around feeling unsafe and exposed. Then Nightclaw grabs me with his paws and pulls me closer. "Calm down Lilypool what has you so frightened?"I shake my head and start to allow myself to relax. I rest my head on his chest and breath deeply.

"Didn't you hear any of that?"I asked. "Hear what?" he asked confused" "t-the screaming" I say shaking more. He licks my head comfortingly and holds me close as his heart beat calms me. I fall asleep again and then dream again this time I see Ralph "its time to visit him" the mysteriouse voice says again.

I wake up andNightclaw is gone and the sun is shining. I get up and yawn then I walk out of the den and out of the camp heading torwards Ralphs home. I find the fence and jump onto it. "Ralph?" I say.

The familiar shape of Ralph comes out of the bushes and clambers up the fence. "Well look who it is, Lilypaw" he said.

"Well its Lilypool now"I corrected him. "Your finally a warrior"he said I nod and say "I was told to visit you" he looks at me then says "did you hear that screaming? I nearly died of fright it scared me so much!" I stare at him "me to! I thought I was going to die!" I said.

We exchanged nervouse glances and then understood we both knew the same things. "I will have to find the four if this is to stop" I saidwith a shiver. He nods and said "go now I wish you the best of luck!" with that I jump off the fence and start walking. Where do I go Where do i look? These questions distracting me and i come accross a cave big black and completly and utterly dark.

"In the dark you'll find the four." the words repeat in my mind. I start to walk in the cave and as I go the cave lights up I see cats made out of shadows give me dirty looks then looks of fear as the light I give of makes them vanish. I feel brave and anger bubbles inside me. I charge through the cave light coming out of each paw step I give I slow down to a walk and hear the sniffling of a kit. I come across a white she-kit with black tale tip and black around her neck and paws. She looks at me a cut over her eye and one on her shoulder. I beckon her with my fluffy tail and she follows me as I go deeper in the cave I see the shining of a blue-gray kit and go to it. A smaller and skinny she-kit was on the floor sleeping. I pick her up and carry her by the scruff. It isn't long before I find another she-kit with fluffy grey fur and blue-green eyes. She sees me and runs torward me and sticks close as I continue on the end of the cave comes into view a little grey tom is curled shievering in a ball and i set down the small blue-gray she-kit and nudge him he looks at me with his soft blue eyes. "Please all of you follow me." I say in my most gental but firm voice. They listen and follow I pick up the blue-gray kit and we all head to the exit. 

A big shadow cat blocks our way and I jump forward and claw it away nd it shrinks and disappears. We all exit the cave and head torward thecamp. They look like they never saw the forest before and the small kit Im carrying wakes up. I set her down and she, like the rest of them, follows me. They are all under weight and seem to be the ahe to be apprentices. We make it back to the camp and I stop before entering. I look at them and they look at me. "Thank you for saving us"the small white she-kit says. "Do you have names?" i ask they all shake their heads no and I start to think. "Well then I'll name you." "you little white kit you are Moonkit they grey she-kit, you are Cinderkit, tom you are Smokekit, and tou are Skykit." They nod exepting their new names.

I walk into camp the kits following me closely. The clan looks up at me suspisiouly and I sit down the kits sit down with me and stay close. I look at their fragile forms and gentally lick each of them on the top of their heads. Nightclaw walks over to me with a pretty big rabbit and sets it down. "Whos kits are these?" he asks. "Not mine, I foumd them in a cave." I said. I nudge the rabit torwards them and tell them to eat it. They all start to eat without hesitation. Nightclaw watches them with curiousity. Eaglekit comes bounding over. "Who are these?" he squeaks.

"This is Moonkit, Cinderkit,Smokekit, and Skykit."I point to each of them as I name them off. Eaglekit nods and sits down watching them. Then Birchstar comes out and looks at the scrawny kits. "They will join the clan as apprentices seeing they are to big to be kits" he said I sigh in relive and they finish the rabbit. Nigjtclaw looks approvingly at them and then at me. I just stare at 'The Magnificent Four'.

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