Chapter 13 Hold Your Tounge!

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I kept waking up in the night the pain in my whom, (trying to be scientifically correct if thats what its called XD), keeping me awake. When dawn came I was finally able to rest and Nightclaw sturred beside me and I heard him leave after giving my flank a quick lick. I had told the clan that the new deputy was Nightclaw seeing the other cats unfit and to busy with daily activities. Sandpelt continued to try and win his heart but she knew it would always belong to me. I was asleep for a while but woke up when the sharpest pain made me shoot awake and wince in pain. I ate a few poppy seeds and then saw the familiar pelt of Nightclaw enter the den with a rabbit in his jaws he dropped it and started to talk about the clan while grooming my dusty fur. I rolled my emerald green eyes and started eating the rabbit. I finished the rabbit and noded to him fliking my tail in dismisal. He got up and left and Eaglepaw came trotting into the den. I stood up and he followed me to the clearing we normally train in.

"Today I will be assessing you." at those words Eaglepawjumped to his paws and started to rce into the forest. "remember! I will be watching you!" I call after him. I follow him and he used every skill I taught him. He came upon a rabbit and roled in some mud disguising his scent and his fur. He creeped up quietly and pounced killing it with a blow to the throat. Suddenly he froze swivling his ears. I caught sight of a large cat moving through the under growth as carfully as it could. Eaglepaw crouched and started to stalk the strange cat. Then a sharp pain erupted in my.... Whom again... XD this is so weird! Ok back to the story.... I bit my tounge trying not to let a pain-filled cry echo around the territory. But the pain got worse and I let it slip out of my lungs. The forest seemed to silence at that and I felt fear prickle at my pelt as I realized everything in the forest and posibly all four clans heard my cry.

I looked around and stepped back only to have a thorn lodge in my back paw. The bushes rustled and a familiar tortoise shell tom stepped out. "Lilystar was that you? I was looking for you!" said Ralph. I sighed "Ralph! You scared the fur off me! Why where you looking for me?" he opened his mouth but Eaglepaw came scampering out of the bushes and sat next to me looking mouse-brained with mud and sticks matting his fur. I started using my claw to pick the leafs and twigs out of his brown and white pelt. "I just wanted to tell you that I found a cave close to my home and shadows where lurking there."

"yeah I know I've been there now go home." I said and he noded and left. Eaglepaw went to collect his prey and I helped him take it back to camp and went into my den to rest. I ate more poppy seeds and lay in my nest in my dreams the prophecy of the shadow cats repeated. "But my kits haven't been born yet!" I screeched into the blackness. I woke up as pain rippled up my spine. A different kind of pain. Moonlight shone through and lit up my fur as it ruffled. Nightclaw was no where in the den. He must be guarding the camp. I got a stick and bit it and breathed as much as I could. The kits where coming after 7and 1/2 moons they where coming! I shuddered as I felt one kit fall on to the nest and dropped my stick and started licking it. Soon it started mewling quietly as another kit came. I repeated the action untill all 3 kits where safe and nuzzling my belly as they drank my milk. I panted at the effort it took and looked over my kits licking each one affectionately. There were two she-kits and a tom. One she kit was a dark shade of gold with white paws, I named her Goldenkit. The other was a dark tabby with black stripes with dark brown fur, I named her Rowankit. The tom kit was a dark brown kit with black ears. I would let Nightclaw name him and right then Nightclaw came in the sun rising into dawn. I smiled in seeing him and knowing this was a sign from Starclan, that Dawnpaw was proud of me. Nightclaw was happy and excited aand when I let him choose the name it took him forever but he finally disided on Burkit for the tom. Now to visit Snip.

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