You were my boat that would float me above water, I was your hole- your mistake. I will mean nothing more.
I was dum and I was hurt,
You were there but full of curses,
I shared my dreams,
You shared your lies,
I showed my story,
You showed me no time,
Now I'm gone and shattered,
Does that make you happy?
To know I'm in tatters?NO CHANCE
I was happy,
But you were sad,
I thought you loved me,
But you were mad, At yourself,
So you dragged me in to fill your deeds.
I was blind and to hopeful,
To understand what this all meant,
But now I see and here I stand
Broken and shattered, with no chance.

PoetryThis is just a description it is not in the book: The water travels down your checks, Sad and broken is all I see, You have no hope, no love as you fall to your knees and brake down again. You were so happy, But now I can see it was for her Never...