I can't believe I told.
I screamed out for help but everyone's ears were covered,
And my voice was just a whisper in the wind.
I haven't smiled truly in a long time and I'm scared to death that I never will again,
I just need a hug or a helping hand but people keep looking down their noses with their judgemental eyes and make me feel miserable all over again.
They don't understand and they probably never will.
I don't want to be in this world any more.
It feels to cold and heartless, full of broken and lost souls.
It just looks so black and white there isn't any colour in sight.
Hopefully soon I'll be gone and the heartache will disappear or the numbness will fully take over like a drug.
And I will finally be set free.

PoésieThis is just a description it is not in the book: The water travels down your checks, Sad and broken is all I see, You have no hope, no love as you fall to your knees and brake down again. You were so happy, But now I can see it was for her Never...