Have you ever thought that people with disabilities and illnesses or someone that was diagnosed with something like depression or Bulimia could be your neighbour?
Or the annoying kid in the back of the class or the quiet one that sits at the front?
Or the girl that you always see smiling and outgoing or the crush you have had on for years?
Have you ever thought how hard it is for them to keep that hidden?
Have you ever thought about how terrifying it must be for someone like that?
Maybe if you try being friends with them and not give them judgmental stares maybe they wouldn't feel so scared and lonely?
Have you ever been put in a position that you had no one to trust but the teddy you hold when you cry your yourself to sleep at night?
Or the pills you take to keep you at peace?
Why can't you give some people respect or at least think before you say something?
We're all humans we all have feelings and we all hurt the same.
You don't know them. So what right does that give you to judge someone you barely know?
Stop being so selfish and get out of your comfort zone for once in your life and be there for someone who needs it.
Make a change and make someone who feels like crap about them selves feel good enough to smile for a day.
I know that they're just words but they have meanings to people. Good and bad. And I know that they can be misunderstood.
But think over your words before you speak and make someone else feel good.

PoetryThis is just a description it is not in the book: The water travels down your checks, Sad and broken is all I see, You have no hope, no love as you fall to your knees and brake down again. You were so happy, But now I can see it was for her Never...