It hurts to know that you believe those lies,
It hurts to see it in your eyes.
It hurts to know you won't see the truth,
It hurts to know that I'm no use.
It hurts to look at my big thighs,
Small chest and broken eyes,
It hurts to know it's only a heart beat away,
To feel death in my palms that's were it shall stay.ALRIGHT
One cut, Two cuts,
Three cuts, Four,
Would it matter if I had more.
Ruined skin and lifeless eyes,
Massive hips and bulging thighs.
Puffy checks and sleepless nights
Why can't I ever feel alright.
Sorrowfully thoughts and depressing lies,
I know I will never feel alright.
Judgemental stares and clueless tries,
Why can't anyone see me through my helpless times.
Hanging rope and missing chair,
Why isn't anything fair,
Pale skin and missing life,
Hopefully now I will be alright.YOU
You say you understand,
But you don't,
You say you can help,
But you can't.
You don't know what I go through,
You don't know what pain I feel,
You don't know me,
You never will.
My friends run away,
Afraid of the scars I share.
You try to fill me up with useless lies,
Hoping that will make me feel alright.
But it won't,
I know the truth.
I'm suicidal,
And your just in-denial.
With the secrets I share,
And why I think life isn't fair.

PoetryThis is just a description it is not in the book: The water travels down your checks, Sad and broken is all I see, You have no hope, no love as you fall to your knees and brake down again. You were so happy, But now I can see it was for her Never...