Chapter 11 - Life's Unfair

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My head throb wakes me from my endless slumber. Checking my clock, it is Thursday at 7:00 a.m. I'm not even going to school. Pedophile principals, stupid sluts, arrogant assholes, and dumb ass douche-bags. All of which makes me hate my life and everyone around me. Deciding to go back to sleep, I lay back down on my plush pillows, drifting into dreamland.


"No! Leave her alone! Stop it, you bastard!" I yelled at the mysterious man with his back turned to me.

Meghan hushed me quietly, tears streaming down her now messed up face. As the man leaves, I look at her in worry.

"Shh, Helena. I'll be ok. But if they make it here, just leave. Run as fast as you can. Never turn back. I cannot promise I'll be behind you, but I'll always be watching you," she cooed.

My scream fills the dark room and it never seems to completely fill. Meghan closes her eyes, and I open mine.

*End of Flashback/Dream*

The blood pumper inside of me is throbbing at an unbelievable rate. It felt like I just ran the fastest in the world. As I catch my breath, I feel my forehead. Sweat, slowly dripping down my hairline. I steady my breathing and trudge to my bathroom. Staring at my reflection, Mirrors by Justin Timberlake starts to play in my head, despite its irrelevance. Humming along, I just stare at myself. Looking like death in its final form, I decide to let it all be and go back to my bed. Glancing at my jumping phone, I panic to pick it up. As the caller ID flashes as Zayn, I hesitate to pick it up. Ignoring the call, I go back to my comfy bed. As I lay there staring at the ceiling, memories of all kinds paint on the ceiling. I groan and grab a pillow, covering my face in an attempt to make them disappear. With no luck, I huff and attempt to sleep again.

My phone rings and blasts She Will Be Loved. Searching blindly with the pillow still atop my face, I let my hand wander the nightstand for my jumping electronic. Finally retrieving my phone, I simultaneously press answer and put it to my ear. The hello comes out more of a sleepy croak. Whoever's on the other line is probably going to hang up.

"Hot morning voice, babe."

Shooting straight up, the pillow falls into my lap and my eyes are wide open. The white choppers grits together, practically cracking them all in half. How dare he? Oh! The nerve! So why don't I just hang up? Helena! Get yourself together. Compose you inner soul. Your fingers are in your command. Just calmly bring the phone down. Tap the red end button and just go back to sleep. Simple right? Well. Not so easy.

"What the hell do you want?" My teeth are still gritted, leaving the words to come out without moving my teeth.

"Well. Considering it's nine o'clock on a Thursday, and you aren't at school, I think it's very clear why I called," Zayn says as if he actually cares.

There is a loud silence, crying to be noticed. My ears ring with agony as I wait for him to break into silent's screams. Zayn finally clears his throat, waiting for my answer. Sucking in a sharp breath, I change positions and face my mirror. I look worse than the last time I looked at myself. That's only expected.

"Helena? You there?" His voice interrupts my self inspection and thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm still here. Why don't you just leave me alone? Just hang up this phone. I told you never to contact me. Listen to someone for once! Do me a favor and leave me the hell alone!" As soon as I spill those last words, I instantly hang up the phone. He didn't have to call me. I like being alone. I enjoy living in solitude. Other than my mom, I couldn't be any happier than I am. And I'm not very happy at all. Unless some witch doctor revives Meghan. But, I know that'll never happen in 2 billion years.

Sitting up, I cross my legs. Clearly uncomfortable, I throw my legs over the bed and groan. I have the entire day to go. Might as well get something to eat. The bed squeaks with agony as I slide off. Slipping my feet into my slippers, I get up and make my way downstairs.


"Good morning, ugly face," Meghan giggles, sticking her tongue out at me. 

"Shut up, Meg. Not everybody can be as naturally beautiful as you, asshole," I reply jokingly. 

"Girls! Stop arguing and eat or no games for an entire day," Mom scolds us sarcastically. 

I instantly take a seat and laugh as I pour myself a bowl of cereal. The orange juice carton stands alone on the island. Taking minuscule steps to the cupboard, I pull out a tall glass cup. Grabbing the plastic o.j container, I unscrew the lid and let it pour into my glass. Finally finished, I put the cap back on, sliding onto the wooden stool. Sipping silently, Meghan nudges my arm. I choke and spit my orange juice all over my mom. Meghan bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Mom! Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn't mean it. It was all Meg's fault, honest," I sputter in a rush, trying to contain my laughs.

Meghan has tears of laughter streaming down her cheeks. My mom still looks shocked. As I begin to say another apology, she starts laughing.

"You are both retards. I'm going to go take a shower. Don't murder each other while I'm upstairs," she says, getting up and walking up the stairs.

Meghan and I nod in response but end up laughing all over again. She laughs and wipes her tears. As she sighs in relief, I slap the back of her head. I mumble that she's a dumb ho, and a pillow hurdles at my head. Shrieking, I fall off the stool. Someone I guess to be Meghan hovers over me and asks in an echo if I'm ok. Closing my eye lids, she panics. Pouncing on her, I pin her to the kitchen floor and cackle.

She screams out in laughter and my vision straightens drastically. Colours are no longer combined and eyes aren't morphed into one. Everything is clear and my vision is restored. Meghan is too pretty. I sound homo, but that's alright. She is a real beauty. No matter who says otherwise.

*End of Flashback*

I wipe a few dribbling tear droplets as they drip down. What I wouldn't give to spend another day with my sister. It isn't fair. I'm still here and she isn't. Life can never seem to spare those worthy of life. My fists ball up and come crashing down on the table. Give her back. Please. If anyone can hear me, please. I know it isn't possible, but please. I am begging you. Please.


J.Malik here! Sorry this chapter is short! The next chapter is going to take quite long! Please vote, comment, and reccommend! Love you guys! Follow my instagram @hump_me_malik. 


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