Chapter 35 - Twitter and Tiaras

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"No, that hurts! Stop!"

Zayn just laughs an evil cackle and continues his evil act.

"Zayn, seriously! Stop!" I yell, not able to endure anymore.

He laughs again then kisses my nose. "Sorry, boo. I'm done now, so it's okay."

I shake my head, matting my hair down. Zayn really does torture me with those tickle wars.

"How about we go ice skating? Oh," Zayn sighs, running his hand through his hair.

"Jesus. This whole fake relationship thing is really going to kill us, huh?" I ask, smoothing the creases in my shirt.

"I suppose it is," Zayn exhales, nuzzling his face into my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sigh, laying back and leaning into him. "Zayn?"

"Yes, love?" He answers, lifting his head ever so slightly.

"Do you think she's pretty?" I push, regretting the question immediately.

I can feel his uneven breathing and I close my eyes, waiting for a scolding.

"Baby. You-" he starts but I cut him mid-sentence.

"I want a straightforward answer, Zayn. You know me," I spit, harsher than intended.

"Perrie is pretty, yes, but in a completely different way. She kind of uptight and proper. Her face is all make-up. She wouldn't be my first choice. Of course you are way prettier. You're loose, silly, and serious all at the same time. You are your own person and you're confident. I think you're the fairest in all the land," he answers calmly, placing a kiss to my throat.

I smile at his response, pulling one hand up and placing it on his face. I turn my head to see him a little better. His lips place a teasing kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"Zayn," I whine, blushing.

"Yes, darling?" He asks innocently.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself," I giggle. I throw my legs over the side of the bed, but Zayn quickly protests.

"No! Stay with me!" He pleads with puppy-dog eyes. I roll my eyes, finding it hard to say no.

"I'm just getting my laptop, sweat pea! Patience!" I say, grabbing my laptop and laying back down. I sit slightly elevated so I can use my laptop.

After it starts up, I go to Twitter. I'm automatically logged in and I click on my mentions. Zayn lets me put my head on his shoulder and I don't object. Scrolling through the tweets, I read a few hurtful things.

(A/N: If these Twitter names do exist, I apologize in advance. I do not mean to put any legit names.)

@parrotsandcarrots_: @perrieedwards is such a better choice! @helenaphillips was such a waste of time!

@zaynsdicktasteslikeskittles: #Zerrie is perf. @helenaphillips is finally gone.

@louisassisfab: @zaynmalik and @helenaphillips weren't exactly my OTP, but Zerrie def is! =)

@harryscock: @helenaphillips is nothing compared to the beautiful @perrieedwards.

Zayn gets angry, stealing my laptop and logging out. His fingers fly across the keyboard as he logs into his own Twitter account. He creates a tweet and I wait for him to finish. Zayn kisses my cheek and places my laptop in my lap.

@zaynmalik: Just b/c @helenaphillips broke up with me, doesn't mean send her hate. Let her be. x

I smile slightly and close my laptop. Kissing Zayn on the cheek, I say, "Thanks. But I still think you like me more."

Zayn smirks and replies, "Most definitely." His teeth catch my bottom lip and I squeak in surprise. All he  does is smile.

As we walk outside, Zayn reaches into his inner pocket. When his hand comes out, I see a white death stick and I gasp. He reaches into his back pocket and pull out a lighter. My mouth falls slack and I watch as he lets the cigarette dangle from his mouth. Zayn flicks on the lighter, bringing it to the end of the cigarette, burning the tip.

He finally looks up at me after taking a drag. "Did I do something wrong?" I want to scream and slap the cigarette out of his mouth.

Instead, I take a deep breath and I take the killer stick out of his mouth. Zayn's eyebrow moves up in confusion, but he doesn't protest. I put the cigarette between my lips and take a long drag. Zayn has a complete look of shock.

My lungs burn as the nicotine and tobacco invades my respiratory organs. A cough rises up in my windpipe and I double over in pain. Zayn takes my arm, straightening me out. I hack up a storm and Zayn swiftly takes the cigarette from my fingers.

"Helena! Are you alright?" Zayn asks frantically. I hold up my hand, waving my hand.

"Are you crazy? Why would you smoke?" He scolds, throwing the cigarette on the ground, stepping in it to extinguish the flame.

"Ask yourself that, Zayn," I get out between a fit of coughs. "If you don't want me to smoke, then why do you?"

He stood there, staring into the distance in deep thought. I wait patiently for his reply. Zayn just runs a hand nervously through his hair. As an instinct, I put my hand comfortingly on his bicep.

"I don't know, really. It's just a bad habit, I guess. I'll make sure never to smoke again if it means you'll inhale twice as much gunk I did," he confesses, standing up straighter.

"For the record, you look hot when you smoke," I whisper, standing on my tippy toes.

He smiles seductively and bites his bottom lip, pulling me close to him. "Wanna play a game, love?" I ask sweetly.

"Yeah. Just not hide-and-seek because a girl like you is impossible to find," Zayn says quietly.

I blush at the cheesy joke and shove his chest. I look at the ground, staring at the crushed cigarette. Zayn's hand flies under my chin, pulling my head up.

"Keep your chin up, princess. Your tiara is falling," he whispers sweetly.

I groan, laughing and rolling my eyes. "Zayn," I whine.

"Dearest?" He asks innocently.

I shake my head, smiling to myself.

"Am I embarrassing you, babe?" His thick Bradford accent is evident in his flow of words.

"Yes," I grumble incoherently. Zayn smiles and crushes my hand. I yelp in pain and he apologizes.

"Sorry! I didn't mean for it to hurt. I didn't know I was embarrassing you either, Helena," he spills. He kiss my hand and I just blush.

"How about we go back inside, Bradford Badboi?" I tease, laughing in his face. He turns pink and I laugh harder.

"Oh, I see how it is now. It is so on!" He puts a considerable amount of emphasize on the so.

I giggle, dragging him inside again.


Seems like I am being a lot more productive than I give myself credit for. You guys are the greatest! I love you all sooo much! I'm close to 4k reads eeeeep. Fabulous! mwaaah Zayn's wife said love ya! (that's me!)


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