Chapter 37 - Heartless Demons

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I look around the hotel room, and my eyes fall on the curly net of hair next to me. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I smile to myself and lay back down. The FaceTime just confirmed one thing: I miss Helena dearly.

I close my eyes ans drift into a blissful sleep.

"Get up, Zayn! C'mon, you too, Harry!" Liam yells, removing the comforter from on top of us.

"No," I groan groggily.

A pillow hits my face and I groan, throwing punches to thin air, hoping to catch the culprit.

"You have to get up, or I'll eat the food," Niall warns.

"I don't care," I croak. "Eat it. Let me sleep."

"Well, if you weren't on FaceTime with Helena, you might've been well-rested, my friend," Harry says, running a hand through his curls.

"Well, excuse me," I say, fully functional now. "I need to speak to my real girlfriend every now and again. Perrie isn't my girl, and I won't treat her like I treat Helena."

"Listen, you know you can't chose who to be publicly displaying. By the way, Zayn, you have to hang out at Times Square today," Liam says, flinching at the last word.

"What?" I sit up abruptly and my body begins to heat with anger. I can't believe this... Even on tour I have  hang out with her.

"I'm sorry, mate. Here, you can eat the rest of the cereal," Niall says remorseful. I shake my head and he continues to eat the bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I rub my face with one hand and I slide off of the bed. Trudging over to the bathroom, I sigh and don't look at any of the boys. I walk into the bathroom and strip. Turning on the hot water, I step under the showerhead.

"Take a quickie, mate. We have an interview in thirty!" Louis shouts, knocking on the door to make sure I heard him. I yell back an alright and let the hot water burn my epidermis.

I step out of the showee, smelling like a cherry blossom orchard. I grab a white towel and wrap it around my hips. I ruffle my hair before combing it. The can of hair spray is empty, and I growl. Damn it, Liam. Shrugging I walk out and notice the boys left. Looking at the clock, I gasp, fumbling over to my suitcase.

After changing, I zoom down the steps and I see Paul, hands folded across his chest sternly. He throws me a questioning look, but I just snarl. I hop in the car and he gets into the driver's seat, immediately driving off. This already started off great.


"Emily! C'mon, we don't want to miss this!" I holler from the den.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm coming!"

I lay down on the couch and turn on the television. The Three Stooges are a classic and we love watching it. Emily materializes next to me and sits on my thighs. We laugh as the show starts  immediately and I remember Zayn has to go on a date with Perrie today in Times Square.

"Emzy, do you think Zayn will be okay taking her out?" I've asked Emily this question in so many different forms, it makes my head hurt.

Emily looks at me with her massive hazel eyes and she takes my hand. "Babe, you know she's obsessed with him, so just think of her as a fan. He doesn't have a smidgen of feeling for her so let that delusion go."

I nod, a feeling still scratching my insides. I can't think straight, so I think it's best to just let it go. For some reason, it doesn't seem  take a burden off of my shoulders. My head throbs and I want to cry.

"I'm going  go to bed. I know it's really early, but I don't feel well. Good night." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs. What a day..


"Zayn, come here," Paul bellows.

I roll my eyes and mumble," The principal would like to speak with you, Mr. Malik."

"Why are you always the last one? You need to learn to be punctual. I won't tolerate your tardiness anymore. Understood?" Paul scolds. I feel like an inferior little puppy dog.

"Okay. I'll try," I grumble. I'm never late with Helena.

"Okay good. Now we're going to Times Square, remember?" Paul asks sarcastically.

"Of course. How could I forget a date with the love of my life?" I snarl. Paul looks like he wants to slap me so hard.

"Don't take that tone with me, boy," he warns. "Let's go. I have to have you there in ten."

I march over to the car and get in. This is going to be one hell of a time. Sighing, I lay my head back and rest my eyes.

The car jolts to a stop and I wake up. Looking outside, I see Perrie dressed in a white trench coat. She also has a black fur hat on. Boy, this is going to take forever.

Paul looks back from the driver's seat and says, "You know the drill, Zayn. Act like you're in love with her and don't stop smiling."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I reply, opening the door and stepping out.

"Zayn! I missed you, baby!" Her arms fly around my neck in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her waist and she pulls away, arms still around my neck.

Her face comes closer to mine and I close my eyes. Perrie's lips close on mine. I want to cringe and push her away, but I know I'd be in deep shit. I wait for her to pull away, but she doesn't. I move my neck backwards and stare at her. She smiles up at me with her big smile.

"You need to understand we don't date. You need to stop acting like it, Perrie," I spit. She pouts and I let my arms fall to my side.

In act, I grab her hand and we walk around the Square. Behind me, I hear squels and shrieks. Turning on my heels, I see two girls with huge smiles.

"Oh my gosh! Look, Glenda! It's Zerrie! I can't believe it!" The tall brunette screams and I put on my best smile. After all, they are fans.

"I so can't believe this, Megan! You guys are our OTP!" The blonde gushes.

Perrie giggles and blushes. "We aren't anything special. Honest, we're just a couple in love. Nothing to see here," she looks up at me and her eyes shimmer with flames. I bite my lip tosaying prevent me from  anything regretful in front of my fans.

"Can we have a picture with you guys?" Glenda asks. I smile and reply a quick sure. One of our security guards takes the white iPhone.

We gather together and I plaster the best fake smile I have on my face. They take a few pictures and the girls thank us.

"You guys are meant for each other. Not like you and Helena," Megan says the name like it's poison. My blood ripples with anger and I bite down on my lip again.

"Totally! Helena was such a fame whore!" Glenda agrees. I feel like The Hulk, getting angirer by the second.

"Helena is an amazing person. She kept me happy, and I hope she's happier without my fans saying such things to her," I burst. I want to run away and call her. Instead, I run a hand through my hair and bite back the tears.

"Sorry, Zayn. We didn't meant to offend you or her. But Perrie is a lot better, anyway," Glenda repeats. I smile and grab Perrie's hand. I steer her away from those heartless demons. We go into Forever 21 and Perrie shops for clothing. I find the dressing rooms and walk in.

I sit on the bench and stare at my reflection. God, I look horrible. Staring, I notice the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. I can't believe people say those things about her! What can I do? Ever since we broke up, all she hears are those hurtful things. What have I done, Helena?

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