Chapter 26 - This is Real

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I lay flat on my back and heave a deep sigh. Jonathan supports himself on his elbow and looks at me.

"Good girl," he praises, kissing my forehead. "That's what I like. You listen and nobody gets hurt. In the mean time, you and I are both enjoying ourselves."

I want to snort and object, but I hold back the urge. This isn't for me, this is for Zayn. He is the person I have to be careful for. Any rash decision could get him killed. I just pray he's safe.


We board the plane and wait for take-off. I twiddle my thumbs as we wait. My right leg bounces in anxiety and my brain wanders to what Jonathan might be doing to her. I should've let him shoot me. How could I be this dumb? She's being tortured and manipulated into his little play toy.


I awaken, taking in my surroundings. Jonathan's room. This isn't just a horrible dream or nightmare. This is real. My life has turned into a romance movie with the twist nobody likes. But, nonetheless, I'd rather be under Jonathan's control than have Zayn dead or dying. He would've gotten his way whether he shot him or not. He knew I'd take his place. Bastard!

I throw my legs over the duvet and tip toe to the bathroom. Listening carefully for movement, I hear the bed rustle and I turn to see Jonathan sitting up.

"Where do you thing you're going?" Jonathan emphasises the you're to show his control over me.

"The bathroom. I just need to take a quick shower and use the toilet," I say, telling the full truth.

"Alright. You have one hour." He's going to time me? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.

"Hurry. You're wasting our time together, babe."

Our time. Psh. I grab a towel and hurry into the bathroom. Let's see if there's any way out of this hell hole.


The plane takes off, and I feel somewhat heavier. I have to go rescue Helena and put Jonathan in his right place: jail. But what about Helena? Is she okay? How badly is she hurt? What if we don't find her and it was misleading?

"Zayn. Easy, boy. Your knuckles are turning white again. Relax," Emily soothes. "I can see the stress in your expression. I can't gaurentee she'll be alrught, but she can withstand him long enough."

I agree with a nod of my head before resting it on the seat and closing my eyes, falling into a worried sleep.


The window is huge. It's big enough for me to jump out of. But it's still four stories down. If I survive that, I'll be on the news for weeks. Even if I don't, I'll be the talk forever. What about Zayn? He doesn't want to hear the news blasting my severe injury/death. How would I feel if that happened to him?  I haven't even seen him for three days, and next thing you know, I can't see him again forever.

The door bursts open and Jonathan storms in.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks rudely.

"I'm opening the window for fresh air. What else?" I reply with the least amount of bitterness humanly possible.

"Don't lie to me, bitch! I know you want to jump. The water never ran, the toilet never flushed. Do you take me for an idiot, Helena?" He asks, pushing me up against the tile wall, sending shivers down my spine.

"No! I'm no lying!" I cower, not having enough courage to stand up to him.

"Yes you are!" He roars, as his knee crashes into my left side. I cry out in pain, with nowhere to run, I stay and take the abuse.

My body falls to the floor, lying in agony, my chest heaving. Jonathan kneels in front of me and caresses my hair. He does it with a "kinda have to" attitude. I just want to go home.

"I know you do, Helena. So make yourself comfortable because this is your home," Jonathan says in a soft voice.

He heard me?

He chuckles and says,"Yes, I heard you. You have to filter between your thoughts and your words."

I think he's just messing with me. Or maybe I really am saying them out loud. Whatever the case, I need to stop thinking such thoughts.

Jonathan takes off his shirt, winking at me. Let's just get this over with...


The plane descends and once it touches  ground, I breathe heavier and I grow anxious. We run out of the aircraft and to the entrance. Paparazzi and fans tame pictures of Harry, Emily, and I, but we don't care. I run to the desk to rent a car.

"Zayn. Just call the police and they'll drive us over there. No need to rent a car, mate," Harry says in a harried voice.

I nod, thanking the kind woman at the desk. Harry whips out his cell and calls the cops. We exit the airport, waiting for our ride to arrive. In a matter of seconds, three blaring cop cars skid to a stop in front of us. Harry and Emily hop into the bigger car, and I follow. Emily recites the address, telling them to hurry. The nice cop nods and presses on the gas so hard, our heads hit the back of the seat.

I close my eyes, praying that Helena is alright. I want to walk in and see her lively and healthy. Jonathan is a pig and I know he doesn't waste time.

The car stops in front huge estate, and I rethink his plan. Did he kidnap her tk live a new life? This guy is surely twisted.

I turn to the cop and say," I want you guys to wait here. Wait five minutes and come in. I don't want him to know you're here. He's prepared and I'm sure of that."

He nods and salutes me as I get out, timing five minutes on his watch. Emily grips Harry's hand, and I take the lead, slowly making my way to the door.


Heylo! This is an update. and a heart attack wrapped in one chapter. It's a shame isn't it? I will have you jnow, an update is better than nothng. I am the author, guys. Don't kill me because if you do, no more chapters!

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