Chapter 31 - Children's Smiles

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"Thanks, Emily. I totally needed to go shopping. You know what else I want  to do?" I say, bumping hips with her.

Emily shakes her head and takes a sip of my milkshake as we reach the car.

"Go to Anglicare. You know, the foster home. Just walking in and seeing them would make my life," I exclaim, my heart agreeing.

"Okay. I know just where that is! Let's go!" Emily cheers, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the engine.


"There it is. Ready?" She asks, parking the car.

"Yeah. I'm so ready," I beam, getting out of the car.

I open the door and Emily walks through. The brightly lit lobby takes a few seconds to adjust to. I make my way to  huge mahogany reception desk.

"Hello. Welcome to Anglicare. How can I help you?" The polite woman asks, flashing us a genuine smile.

"Yes. I was wondering if I could talk to the kids?" I ask, drumming my fingers against my thigh. I read her nametag, my eyes slowly glide over her name 'Lauren'.

"Of course! Are you thinking about adopting?" Lauren asks.

"Oh, heaven's no! I was just interesting in seeing these little dolls," I reply, rocking back and forth on my toes.

"Alright. Sounds good! I'll escort you there personally. Can I ask a small favor, first?" She asks, standing up.

"Of course. Ask away," I smile.

"Can I get a picture with you two? If you don't want-"

"Absolutely. Come in between. Selfie?" I giggle curiously. Lauren nods as she takes out her cell phone.

"Say 'Kids!'" Lauren puts her phone high up and we look up at the camera, smiling our cheesiest.

"Kids!" We say in unison. She snaps a picture and thanks us profusely.

"You guys are the best. Come this way. The kids are painting right now." Lauren leads us down a wide hallway, then opens a door to our right.

"This is the room. Make sure you talk to Ms. Brown before you proceed. I hope you get whay you came for," she smiles, turning on her heels and clicking away.

I grip the knob, turning it slowly, as to not cause a commotion. Slowly pushing the door, I walk in and see the kids quietly finger painting. Walking over to the woman I assume is Ms. Brown, I stand next to her and clear my throat. She beams at me and takes my hand.

"Oh, hello. I'm sorry. I guess I got wrapped up in their finger paints. Isn't it marvelous?" She rambles.

"Oh, no problem. But I was wondering if I could talk to the children? I'm hoping I can create a story for them. You knoe, be able to tell them a fairytale," I ask politely.

Ms. Brown throws her arms around me and laughs hysterically.

"Oh, we haven't had such a person like you in years. They would love that! You are such a doll!" Ms. Brown exclaims.

"Okay. Can I?" I gesture to the kids and Ms. Brown nods happily.

"Um. Hi, kids. My name is-" and I am immediately interrupted.

"Helena! Oh my gosh! You came here? That's crazy!" A girl no more than 13 shrieks. She runs over to me and shakes my hand. She had been one of the helpers.

"Yeah. You know about me?" I ask, clearly mystified.

"Of course we do! You dated The Zayn Malik. You're like the model person. We practically look up to you," she replies.

"I'm Lisa. It's nice to finally meet you," she says, extending her hand for a hand shake. I accept her offer and I look back at the rest of the kids.

"Well. If you're wondering why I came, I came for the sheer joy of coming. I was thinking about telling you guys a story. Who would like that?" I ask, pulling up a chair and sitting down.

The children answer with a serious of screams, and they sit down in a semi-circle in front of my chair.

"Once upon a time, there was a castle in Northern Ireland. In the castle, there were jesters, knights, princesses, chefs, and obviously, the king and queen."

"The king, Zachary, was a jolly man with a big round belly. Every time he laughed, it would bounce up and down. The queen, Hannah, was a gorgeous woman. She was tall and meatier than most woman. But she didn't care. She thought she was beautiful, and she truly was. She was the fairest in the land. They had a son, who married the dutchess of Genoa. They also had a daughter, Isabella, but she refused to get married to a royal. People loved the royal family, and people working there did, too." I look around the room to see their brightly lit eyes staring at me.

"Jack the jester loved making the King laugh. The chef, Izzy, enjoyed cooking for the royal family members. But there was a knight, who fell in love with Princess Isabella. But since Kevin was just a knight, he couldn't get married to his boss's daughter. After a while, he became angry with the rules. He went up to King Zachary, asked to marry Isabella, and do you kbow what he said?" I wait for their shower of comments, but they politely raise their hands.

I call on a petite blonde girl in the front row. "Did he say yes?"

"He did! In fact, the King was so happy Kevin had asked. So they gor married and lived happily ever after. The end!"

The children cheer and clap their hands with joy. Ms. Brown joins in with the cheeing. I stand up and take a bow, smiling down at the little kids.

"Alright. Now it's time for me to start leaving. I will visit whenever I can. Every one have a safe holiday," I say proudly.

As I am walking out the door, a girl tugs on my pants. I stoop down and squat so we're at eye level.

"Yes, dear?" I say sweetly and the little blonde girl wraps her tiny arms around my neck with an embrace. Her pigtails tickle my cheeks and I hug her back.

When she pulls away, she says,"Thank you for the visit, Ms. Helena. Please come back soon." Her sweet voice rings in my ears and touches my heart.

"Of course, darling. I will most definitely come back soon. But please, don't call me Miss. It makes me feel old,"  I giggle. The little girl joins in the laughter and I smile.

"I have to go. But I will come back soon. Bye, princess." I wink and Emily pulls me out the door.


"I have an idea, Liam," I say, leaning forward in my seat.

"I'm listening, mate. What is it?" Liam says, listening intently.

"Okay. I want to surprise Helena for Christmas. I want  be put in a box and wrapped up. Then Emily will peel back the wrapping and open the door. The worst thing that can happen is she'll freak out and yell at me," I breathe.

"Sounds great, Zayn. Let's go get a life-sized box."


Yeah, buddy. another update for my babies. You beter be grateful,  you maggots. Have a safe holiday! Much love.


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