Chapter 22 - Anniversary?

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My eyelids fly open and I prop myself up on my elbows. Turning my head to the right, my alarm clock reads 12:45 p.m. A sharp pain ignites between my legs and I remember what happened this morning. Not a bad decision at the time, but the feeling now makes me start to regret it. Shaking off the regretting feeling, I turn my head to the left to see my boyfriend. Tousled hair, stubbly face, a sleeping smile. He looks so peaceful and happy. Careful not to wake him, I place a light kiss on his forehead. Zayn rustles a bit, turning his body and wrapping an arm around my waist. His eyes open slightly, and his smile spreads.

"Hello, gorgeous." His raspy voice makes me smile a bit.

"Hello, handsome," I reply, pecking his lips.

He wraps his other arm around my waist, pulling me into the kiss. I respond quickly, pulling on the ends of his hair a bit. As he begins to pull away, a smirk plays on his lips.

"How do you want to spend our anniversary, darling?" He asks lowly.

Thinking, I rack my brain for any serious thoughts. "I'm not really sure. Whatever you planned, I guess."

Zayn just nods once and throws his legs over the edge of the bed. Dragging his feet across the floor, he trudges to my bathroom rubbing his eyes. I prop myself up on my elbows once again, putting serious thought on what we should do for the rest of the day.

My phone vibrates on my nightstand and I reach over to grab it. Incoming call from the Em bear.

"What's up, darl?" I ask, immediately smiling.

"Oh nothing." She squeals. "I just wanted to wish you two a happy anniversary. Have you done it yet?" I can almost see her winking deviously.

"Actually, yeah. This morning," I giggle like a child.

Emily gasps and then continues. "Oh my God! Seriously? Congrats, bebe! Was it big?" I look over to check if he's still in the bathroom. To confirm my question, the shower begins to run and I sigh in relief.

"Emmy!" I scold between laughs.

"I'm serious, munchkin! Is it?" She presses, dedicated on recieving the answer.

"To be a fan girl, oh golly. It was huge. Not to the point where you want to cry because it'll hurt, but scream to the point where you can't wait. To be a respectable woman, yeah. It was pretty big," I conclude and I hear her crack up.

"I'm so happy for you. But how was the sex? On a scale from one to ten. One being the worst, and ten the best," Emily pushes.

"In all honesty?" I ask. Emily responds a yes and I continue. "Eleven. God, it was so pleasurable. I loved every second of it. But it wasn't fucking. It was slow, sweet, love. Gee, Emily. Words can't even describe the feeling."

Emily considers my answer then speaks up. "Oh, Helly. I'm so glad you don't regret it. It's better to be all fan girl rather then feel regret. You know?"

"Yeah. But thanks for the wishes! How are you and Harry doing?" I ask.

"We're doing great! Strong relationship. If you're wondering where we are, we're at Jenna's house. She left for the week and told me I could use it anytime. I had a feeling you guys would have sex. I didn't want to hear all those dirty words and nasty moans," Emily teases.

"Oh, stop. I was wondering you had any good ideas for our anniversary date? I'm in a pickle at the moment. Can't decide what to do or where to go," I confess.

"He doesn't have anything planned? Are you sure?" Emily questions.

"I'm not sure, but he asked me what I wanted to do. I don't even know what's going on," I breathe.

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