Chapter 40 - Why?

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“C’mon, Layla! We have to go pick Zayn up from the airport. Don’t you want to meet him?” I shout, pulling my keys out the bowl.

"I'm ready! It's Emily!" Layla answers. Emily scrambles down the steps, trying to put on her shoes.

"Alright, alright. Come here, babe. Let's go to the car," I say, extending my arm. Layla hops down the stairs, running to me.

"Well, someone's excited," Emily retorts, rolling her eyes after tying her Docs.

"Shut it," I bite, laughing before heading out.

Layla tugs at my hand, running out the door. I am dragged to the car as she jumps up and down extatically.

"Okay, Layla. It's not that big of a deal, boo." I unlock the car and Layla leaps in. Emily walks over to us, opening the passenger seat door and sliding in. I buckle Layla in and walk around the car to the driver's seat.

"Who's ready to see Zayn?" I ask, turning the key in the ignition. The engine hums to life and I turn on the radio to the CD channel. One Direction blasts from the speakers. Layla squeals with excitement, clapping her hands and giggling.

We drive to the airport in a mixture of loud and messy. Emily and I belch the lyrics to all of the songs and Layla claps along.

"We're here, guys."

"We can't get out, though. Text him our whereabouts, and he'll come to us. If we're seen in there, the deal will be blown," Emily warns cautiously.

"Yeah, I know. I already told him where to be. He'll be here once he pushes through all those screaming girls," I reply.


My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. A smile erases my grim expression. Helena told me she was in the car at the exit. I sign a few autographs in the massive net of young women around me. George, my bodyguard, holds back a few hands while I slide through the crowd.

I see the car, and instantly, my eyes blink furoicioisly. My hand grabs my heart, and I rip through the crowd of people. The voice box, that I can no longer control, decides to fail. I let out a whimper as a big black Cadilac smashes right into the car. The car that Emily and Helena drive. The car that Helena is in. At this moment, the world stopped spinning. My heart seized its steady heart beating rythm. Tears sting as I run toward the accident, praying for some sort of miracle. I just want this all to be a sick dream.


I wait in the sterile waiting room, squirming impatiently for results. My head sinks into my hands. They rub furiously at my face as the steady flow of tears keep streaming. I hear the faint click of heels and a clearing of a throat. As I look up, I see a middle-aged woman holding a clipboard. She smiles at me as if smiling at me can delay the bad news. My gut twists in my body and I cringe.

"Mr. Malik? I have some news for you," she announces a little too sweetly.

"What is it, ma'am? Is everyone okay?" I spill.

"No. I'm afraid they are not. Layla and Emily are in comas. Helena, however, did not make it. The car hit her directly. She suffered quite a bit before passing. Her last words were 'Tell him to move on. For me.' I am terribly sorry, sir," the nurse says as she hangs her head in guilt.


I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY. I am ending this book soon and starting anew. please forgive me, babies. I just needed a bit of time. Will be updating ASAP. Thank you for making it thus far. SORRY FOR CLIDD HANGERS. OMG BYE.


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