Chapter 1 - Justice

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"How about that weird stretch, over to the right?"

"That's a chunk of Orion. Probably the most famous constellation"

"What about that bull looking pattern?"

"That is in fact Taurus. Which is Latin for "The Bull'"

"Holy shit, I am starting to get this. How about those stars a little above?"


"Riiiight- raise your head. Right there"

"Oh. That's just a cluster-fuck of stars"

Chloe slowly turned her head with an unimpressed look in her eyes.

"What is that Latin for?" She asked with a sarcastic tone of voice.

Max looked down on the ground before her, not having the mental capacity to come up with a witty response.
"It's Latin for 'a cluster-fuck of stars'"

The night-sky above them had been the topic of interest throughout the entirety of their nighttime walk. Even when they walked past a barking dog with a chunk of what appeared to be fresh rat meat in its mouth, the topic remained the distant suns in space. It was remarkable how much of the sky was lit up however. It was a particular quiet and warm night, so it seemed like the perfect time to get out of Chloe's room and take a nighttime walk.

"It's very peaceful tonight," Max vocalized her thoughts, giving in to the urge of breaking the five-second silence after playing a little with her white sleeves that were slightly longer than her arms, due to her borrowing one of Chloe's hoodies before they went out. A hoodie that Max had never seen her wear before. It was bright white and made of a hard, stretched out fabric, contrary to the black camera she was wearing around her neck with a strap. Max remembered declining Chloe's suggestion to bring the camera, but for some reason she had insisted.

"Yeah. I figured you'd like it, after all that shit-drama with that douche and gramps" Chloe's steps became increasingly louder, slightly muffling her words. Chloe herself was wearing her new black-leather jacket, all zipped up to the bottom of her chin and also working some dark-blue jeans, which were on the verge of being uncomfortably tight. While Max was studying her friend a small stone was accidentally kicked a few feet ahead on the sidewalk.

"I am not picking sides here, but honestly, I don't get why he was so mad at your granddad for wanting an extension on the rent due date" Max felt as if she were speaking in a generic tone of voice. She had only recently gotten some information about the situation, so it was an expected topic to be brought up.

"It's not the first time I've seen him. Effing government sheep. He probably believes that if you're in a bad spot in life, it was your own choices that brought you there," Chloe answered with a surprisingly unbiased view.
"Funny how only people who have a comfortable life have that point-of-view. Stereotypical American mindset..." she continued with a more channeling opinion.

"Are you seriously okay with me staying with you guys during the vacation? I didn't know it would cause trouble. I can start paying rent?" The thought suddenly hit Max, that she might have actually been the cause of all the drama.

"Don't worry about it. It was my suggestion after all and we'll be fine. It's not like you're eating all our food and smashing our furniture, it's just that douche that doesn't know how to be a human being" Chloe quickly and effectively put Max's mind at ease to some extent. There was still a lingering feeling of guilt hanging around her however.

"What about your granddad? He seems chill... He handled the situation like a pro" Max tried to tone the questioning down, but had trouble thinking of things to say. It was easier to just wander down the path that was placed ahead of you anyway.

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