Chapter 13 - Ephemeral

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She giggled quickly, just for a moment to get it out. She felt bad, she knew she did and for a good reason, but there was nothing that could take away the lasting memory of what had just happened. Chloe took the final step down the stairs, having dressed back into her previous attire, the black shirt and jeans. Her hair was still moist, starting to get slightly puffy, making her run her fingers through it. She kept the smile on her lips, but couldn't help but to wonder if it was emotional happiness she felt or purely psychical happiness. She didn't feel as if it was forced and the effects should have worn off by now, but the distinction was difficult to interpret, however crucial it could be.
It slowly became uncomfortable and she could always talk to Max about it, so for now, she focused on the food she would prepare for them both.
Only a few steps into the living room did she notice the running TV and the elderly man sitting peacefully in the faded green couch.

"Hey gramps" Chloe let out, slightly surprised. The time was around 11 pm, so he should be home by now, but he usually went to Chloe's room or at least give a holla when he came home during this time.

"Heyo" Alfred nearly shouted, but kept his attention on the television, showing a middle-aged man holding a speech in front of a smaller audience and some cameras.

"Whatcha watching?" Taking a step to the right, she peeked into the kitchen, wondering if his answer would be short enough for her to start walking towards it.

"Some douche trying to justify ruining a man's life" His answer was short but intrigued Chloe to the extent of asking for details.

"Why would he ruin a man's life?" She asked, standing her ground and crossing her arms, vaguely trying to listen to the sounds coming from the small television.

"Well, he wouldn't. But he wants other people to do so. All because of some fox" Alfred put a fist up to his mouth and coughed twice.

"A fox?" Chloe managed to hear to the middle-aged man say something about a grey-zone.

Alfred lifted his shoulders slightly and leaned back in the couch.
"This young man owns a farm with rabbits, pigs and chickens. He had a problem with a fox running around his barn, occasionally killing some chickens. I swear it's straight out of some short-story" taking a quick pause to listen to crowd making an applause, Alfred tugged down the sleeves of his black-red sweater.
"He eventually ended up killing the fox. Walking a few feet away from his farm with a rifle, saw the fox, shot it dead. Unfortunately for him, this species was endangered and while you are allowed to kill them in the case of protecting livestock, a bunch of people are claiming he went out of his way to hunt down the fox, which is illegal"

Chloe quickly swiped her fingers across her wrists and moved her hip to the side.
"So now his life is ruined?"

"Most likely" Alfred eventually turned his head to look at Chloe, showing his red eyes behind his reading glasses.
"See, the man was not arrested. The case was either deemed justified or too small of a case to really do much about, which in this situation, is an unfortunate thing for him. People are so quick to play justice-warriors. So damn quick to get offended or feel mistreated on behalf of others; even foxes" Alfred kept his stare at Chloe while scratching the side of his finger with his thumb.
"They began harassing the man. Sending death threats, putting him out of business by making him a public figure of fox hunting. Won't let the poor thing get a moment of peace. Now, is that justice? Even if he did by definition hunt the fox, who in the world benefits from tormenting this young man with a wife and children? They just want to seem like they care, want to feel like decent human beings, by getting blinded in this twisted idea that they are better people because they drive a man into a life filled with fear of getting killed. And now this guy here on the pedestal, this giant suck-up that is in politics is trying to appeal to this narrowed-minded, imperceptive group of people, by promising to bring justice. The justice of killing a man"

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