Chapter Three: Mission with HIM

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~Chapter 3~  


I sighed. Might as well get it over with.

I quickly changed into a black and white short, sleeveless kimono that reached my knees. But despite that, it was easy to move in, in my opinion. I quickly yet neatly tied the red obi and grabbed a role of bandages.

I wrapped bandages on my forearms and on my thighs. I tied my forehead protector over my right forearm and attached a pouch filled with weapons on my left thigh, under my kimono.

I grabbed two katanas and strapped it to my back, forming an 'X'.

I took a deep breath in and smiled at my fighting outfit. I'm ready.

I walked towards the gate and immediately spotted Neji. I smiled a small smile and waved my hand as I approached him.

"Good morning, Neji-san." I greeted politely.

Neji nodded and muttered a "Good morning" and turned away.


What was the Hokage thinking when he put only the both of us on this mission?!

"Going out for a mission, Alice, Neji?" Izumo asked. I nodded and walked ahead.

"Good luck then!"

"Arigatou." Alice curtly nodded and ran after me. Her hand grasped my shirt, tugging it lightly.

"You almost left me. Don't do that." she subconsciously pouted.

God dammit! I turned away from her, not wanting her to see me...blushing.

I could feel her curious gaze on my back but I ignored it. I felt her grasp on my shirt start to loosen until her hand just fell back to her side. I felt...somewhat disappointed...

After a while of complete silence, I decided to speak up. "What does the scroll say?" I asked, glancing at Alice.

"Hm? Oh yeah...that." she reached into her pocket and took out a small scroll.

She unrolled it and her dark eyes scanned the paper. She sighed and rolled it up again.

"This is an escort mission. It seems we need to escort a prince from...the Hidden Candle Village to Konoha." she informed me.

A snobby prince? Just my luck.

"Well then, it will take at least three days for any normal ninja to get to the Hidden Candle Village but..." I trailed off, glancing at Alice.

She smirked, "Who said we were normal?" I smirked too.

I crouched down, positioning myself. Alice followed me.

"My point exactly." I mumbled and then used my feet to launch me forward. I landed on a tree branch and started leaping from tree to tree.

Alice appeared beside me, jumping from branch to branch with a grin.

I knew her enough to know that she loved speed.

"With this pace, we'll get there by midnight." I informed her, keeping my eyes forward.

"Ok then." she replied. I spared her a glance and chuckled. She couldn't seem to get that smirk of her pale face.

"What?" she asked, noticing my gaze on her.

"You never change, Alice." I whispered to myself.

It seemed to reach her ears though. She pouted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she murmured.

I shook my head and chuckled. "It's nothing." I said my eyes going back to the front.


"Who are you?" the two men who were guarding the gates of the Hidden Candle Village pointed their swords towards the two Konoha shinobis.

It was midnight and the Hyuga and the female Uchiha had finally arrived at their destination.

The Hyuga and Uchiha stood straight putting up an emotionless facade.

"We are shinobis of the Leaf, sent here to accomplish a mission for your prince." Neji answered smoothly.

'Well said, Neji.' the woman thought.

The guards gasped and almost dropped their swords to the ground. They fumbled with their sword and opened the gigantic gates.

The two guards bowed as the two ninjas passed them.

"Welcome to the Candle Village, Konoha shinobis!"

A/N: Well, here you guys go!




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