In Haven, Pasadena

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Sheldon was deep breathing as he reached the hallway of his new school. He was determined to have a first impression: such an impression which does not get him beaten up and bullied. He could see a short boy wearing thick spectacles and a hoodie talking to two boys and a girl standing next to the locker assigned to Sheldon. He was looking scared. On closer inspection, Sheldon found out that the trio was bullying the boy whose name tag read 'Leonard Hofstader'. The two boys were muscular and huge while the girl was a pretty blonde. "What's up, shorty?" The girl said. "Umm..the ceiling?" Leonard replied (and asked). The three chuckled ferociously. That is when Sheldon stepped in. He could read the bullies's name tag as well. 'Jeremy', 'Mark' and 'Penny'. Penny stopped as she saw Sheldon. She looked deep in his clear eyes. Deep, deep down. She never ever looked that deep in any thing. "Hello?" Sheldon asked as he noticed Penny's expression. "Stop bullying him. Off you go." Mark was about to throw a snide remark but Penny spoke up. "Guys, let's go."

"Whew." Leonard said. "Thanks." "No problem." Sheldon replied. "I am Sheldon, by the way. And you are Leonard." He pointed towards his name tag.

Sheldon then went to check his roommates, which was listed on a notice board. There was a lot of rush there, So Sheldon bumped into many people. He suddenly felt something heavy fall on him and he grabbed it. He saw that it was a human. To be specific, a girl. The girl shyly got up and was about to say thanks, when she saw Sheldon. The girl was Penny. Noticing her expression again, Sheldon replied. "Don't bother. Your welcome."

Sheldon finally saw the list. He shared a room with Leonard (Yay!), and two other people called Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Ramayan Koothrapalli.

"Off I go."

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