Secret Ballot! Secret Ballot!
Everyone had gathered around the box which contained the ballots. Leonard had written one to Penny:
I like You
But he was almost sure that Penny would crush him like she did that day. A ballot was handed to Leonard. That's when he looked up. Penny had a ballot in hand. Leonard too was shocked when he saw a ballot from Penny. He opened it.
I know you like me, Hofstader.
That was like an answer to his statement. A soft hand pulled him into a small corner. It was Penny.
"Penny, I am sorry for that day. I still like you and I broke up with Amy for you. The mistake was mine. Pl-"
Penny put a finger on his lips and hugged him warmly. "I like you too."
A/n; The end.
The Big Bang Theory High School
FanfictieInspired by @xghostwriterr 's book. Your favourite TV series characters are in High School: Figure out what happens by reading!