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So basically there is so much Hetalia stored in my brain area that it needs to all be put somewhere before it destroys me. Hence this book. And if anyone decides to read whatever madness is recorded, then I'm 100% up for spreading the Hetalia diseas- I MEAN BLESSING.

The randomness put in here will consist of all types of headcanons, facts, quotes... honestly just whatever is a blessing and needs to be to hoarded.

"The show and characters referenced do not belong to me! They all belong to the author of the Hetalia manga & webcomic Hidekaz Himaruya, and Funimation."

A/N: None of the content is originally mine unless said otherwise. I give 100% credit to the source/site/person that every piece originally came from.

HETALIA TopCanons & Crack (+facts/more)Where stories live. Discover now