Wait... did he text ERWIN?

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Let's just take a moment to imagine England drinking too much, and then sending out a bunch of drunk texts.

> "I just want to tell you... that you are the most amazing person I've ever met. You're dashing, brave, funny, the life of the party, classy, one of a kind and someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. It's a mystery AND a miracle how you, someone so perfect, came to exist in this world."
[[Sent to himself]]

> "My eyebrows bring all the nations to the yard, and they're like, they're bigger than yours, damn right, they're bigger than yours."
[[Sent to Erwin Smith]]

> "I fucking love McDonald's."
> "Don't tell America."
[[Sent to America]]

> "You're adopted."
[[Sent to Sealand]]

> "I bet I know what kind of car you drive"
> "A Honda."
> "Or maybe a... NISSAN."
[[Sent to Japan]]

> "When you die, do you PASTA-AWAY?"
[[Sent to North/South Italy]]

> "I can see all kinds of creatures, but why the HELL can't I see you?"
[[Sent to Canada]]

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