Sexuality headcanons

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America: Claims to be straight but is actually denying his bisexuality (what a cinnamon roll •3•)

Canada: Pansexual as France told him to love all

China: Asexual

England: Wants to visit Florida (if you know what I mean)

France: Pansexual

Germany: I think we all know this one

Italy: Pasta

Japan: Pansexual (as tentacles don't fall under bisexuality)

Russia: Homosexual (as Belarus caused his fear of women)

Prussia: Prussia-sexual

Romano: Straight (AlthoughHe'sTotallyGayForSpainButWon'tAdmitItBecause...He'sRomano)

Sweden: Gay but only for Finland

Iceland: Well it all depends on what gender the fridge is (which has yet to be revealed)

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