Have some headcanons

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China once cut his hair short for a change but immediately regret it. So until it grew long again he wore extensions and no one ever figured it out.

Prussia, IS in fact, awesome.

Spain and England have been banned from playing battle ship.

America helps out at day cares because he loves to see the kids play... And he likes to play with them.

Feliciano is always up for the sunrise. No matter what happened the day before, he never misses it.

Sweden, though he doesn't do it very often, is a huge practical joker. Everybody always assumes it's Denmark though.

England still marvels at how a bunch of sounds can be translated into words and sentences, and that somehow America still messes up this process.

Canada will give anything for cuddles. He just likes snuggling up to his partner, and frankly, he doesn't mind wether he's big spoon or little spoon.

Iceland "secretly" has a blog dedicated entirely to Dennor. The truth is the rest of the Nordics all know about it and follow him, they always keep up on his posts as well.

Russia sneezes like a kitten and is very sensitive about it.

Japan is a really enthusiastic singer... when drunk.

When Francis feels like being extra sexy he wears a lot of bows (and sometimes only bows).

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