Ice Skating AU

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Italy: Gracefully skating around until he falls and clings to Germany

Japan: Quietly skating while staring wistfully off into the distance

Germany: Has no clue how to skate and is always falling over

America: Falling down until he gets the hang of it, then skating all over the place loudly

France: Fabulous gliding over the ice

England: Scooting over the ice on his ass

Russia: Teams up with Canada and Iceland to terrorize the other skaters and skate circles around everyone

China: Skates on his hands

Austria: Sits on the bench, criticizing everyone else

Hungary: Sits with Austria and trips Prussia when he comes around

Sweden: Lingers in the corner

Romano: Tries to pull himself across the ice with his hands

Spain: Tries to help Romano while skating backwards

Belarus: Pushes everyone out of the way

Prussia: Pretends he has the hang of it then falls on his face

Canada: Skating with such elegance and grace around people while taking them out with a hockey stick

Finland: Dragging Sweden out of the corners

Denmark: Tries racing everywhere and knocks everyone over

Hong Kong: Swerving around everybody well keeping tabs on Iceland('s butt)

Norway: Sits inside and drinks coffee

Ukraine: Skates around, handing everyone gloves and scarves

Iceland: Makes everyone feel bad because he's pulling crazy ice skating stunts

Greece: Falls asleep in the middle of the rink

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