Rumors and Misconceptions

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Rumor: There was an episode of Hetalia: Axis Powers that was never subbed where Germany and Japan, while stuck on the island, drown Italy to eat him

Fact: False. This is nothing more than a CreepyPasta, an online story meant to shock and scare the reader.

Rumor: Holy Roman Empire grows up to be Germany, having survived his apparent dissolution and death but with amnesia. .

Fact: Though a popular theory supported by pieces of in-series evidence (most visibly in the cliffhanger to the strip Buon San Valentino), the exact connection between Germany and Holy Roman Empire remains to be seen.

The only official word given on HRE's fate at this time other than his apparent demise being reported in a scrapped strip was Himaruya's debatable response to a fan's question (ca. 2007), where he promised that eventually:

"Chibitalia and Holy Roman Empire will have a happy ending."

Rumor: Italy and Romano are twins.

Fact: False. Himaruya designed Romano to be a few years older.

Rumor: The English voice actor for England in the Hetalia DUB, was arrested for possessing child pornography.

Fact: True. APH England's voice actor for the DUB, Scott Freeman, was arrested after pleading guilty to 8 counts of child pornography on April 5th 2014, and sentenced to 3 years. In may 2015, FUNinmation became aware of the matter, and announced that they have permanently ended their relationship with him.

Rumor: Sweden is gay

Fact: Himaruya officially said that Sweden IS homosexual, but only for Finland.

Rumor: England is Gay and loves America

Fact: Semi-Offical. It is widely said that Himaruya posted on his blog saying;

"Yes, England is gay. He has a crush on America but America is to oblivious to notice. But i'm not going to tell you if America loves him back. You'll have to wait."

The post was taken down shortly after because of spoilers, and that's why no one knows if it was really true or not. That's what makes it semi-official (also as Hima never said the post wasn't true, and if he made that post in the first place then it's likely he approves of it). Hima also does occasionally make blog posts like this with new facts about the characters or their relationships.

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