Buon San Valentino (and Austria's pants)

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Hetalia did-you-know?

There was an extra episode of Hetalia (The Beautiful World) called Buon San Valentino, where Germany mistakes Italy's actions as a love confession and starts thinking that it might not be a bad thing. So he struggles with not knowing what to do, but in the end when they're on a 'date' he somehow ends up breaking because of an overload of emotions and it was never specified what happened after that, or if Germany even remembers the event. The episode was, like other episodes, based off of the webcomic strip version by Himapapa (Hidekaz Himaruya) but Funimation left out and didn't animate some pretty important and interesting scenes.

One scene being where Germany is reading the instruction book he bought for dating, and he begins to read the last chapter and ends up blushing furiously (I think we can all guess why) and slamming it down.

The second scene,quite possibly the best thing EVER to happen in Hetalia, is where Germany begins freaking out to Austria about the fact that he forgot how their both males and he doesn't know how it works in that situation. After he's calmed down again he stares at Austria for a few moments, and then suggests that Austria have sex with him to practice for when he does it with Italy. Of course, Austria is startled and quickly refuses... but for some reason he still takes off his pants anyway.

The last scene revolving Italy and Germany in Buon San Valentino that wasn't animated, was most possibly the most important thing to happen in the entire strip, or maybe in the entire series so far. The scene happened after Germany had shut down or 'broke' because of experiencing too many emotions (especially embarrassment) when hugging Italy during their date. It's after this happens, that a flashback is shown from the point of view of Holy Roman Empire (HRE) where he places a flower in Chibitalia's hair and leaves. And the strip literally ends here. With no mention of it afterwards or hints that it happened to this day (*Hima laughs evilly in his corner of evilness*). But the major, even semi-canonical, theory is that the flashback was Germany's, as Germany is practically part of HRE. It's pretty easy to see that Hima might of been hinting towards that.

One last thing that Funimation so tauntingly left out was the mini strip featuring America and England that happened inside the Buon San Valentino strip, where they're on the battlefront together but then England is notified that America left being all upset and grumbling something about England not giving him any chocolates (because it's valentines day). Afterwards, England approaches America with chocolates to give him and is blushing rather heavily plus stuttering, but America is found with a bucket full of chocolate and stuffing his face with it, so he doesn't seem to pick up on the situation.

HERE IS THE LINK TO SEE THE FULL STRIP:   http://www.hetarchive.net/scanlations/nonlinear.php?var

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