How I wanted to get rid of a parasite

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Why is time such a meanie? Whenever I'm having fun, the time goes by so fast. Everything happens in the blink of an eye and all you have left are memories and even they fade after a while. You know life isn't going exactly the way you want to if the time seems to pass so slow. Like an old granny after hip surgery trying to make her way towards the kitchen while resting her entire weight on a cane.

I'd suffered from a boring routine for too long. My days consisted of going to classes, studying, occasionally theatre and working. The latter was always quite the adventure though. It was 60% actually working and 40% listening to Amanda's crazy life stories. It was almost predictable; I'd come in, sat myself down, listened to Amanda whine or cry about the latest thing her husband did until she miraculously felt better and urged me to get on with my job.

I would've been fine with that routine. I like having a structured day and I'd rather prepare myself for unexpected situations especially because of my faulty survival modes but with this one, I wished time would do its job already.

With each slowly passing moment I realised I still wasn't over Chris. He still invaded my mind at the most random times and I actively avoided him. Even though the campus was pretty big, I couldn't risk the chance of running into him. Why? Because I still loved him. After all this time, after all he'd done and after everything I did to try to get him to move out of my heart, he refused to. He was a parasite clutching at my heart and eating at my brain.

I wanted to get rid of this parasite. I wanted to stop caring about him. It had been months. It seemed so long ago when I walked in on him. Yes, I'd made a lot of progress and cut back to watching Phantom only once a week but still, time disappointed me.

I had this feeling I was running out of options. I'd done things to re-invent myself and I liked it. I liked doing theatre and I'd managed to make a few friends there. I went on a Beam ride by myself and I even tried to have a one night stand. They all had been fun even though I hadn't exactly succeeded. At least I'd put myself out there. I did all of that and what for? Nothing, apparently.

And now? I guess I was giving it time. I tried to focus my energy on getting Jane together with Seth but she had this huge project going on for one of her classes so I hadn't seen her a lot. I'd made a few lists though on how to get them together and I was gonna apply them to Jane but making lists only did so much to distract myself.

I was drawing a hamster instead of writing my paper when Jane walked in. She grabbed a soda from the fridge, went to Ash and plopped herself down with a huge sigh.

"Tell auntie Lu what's bothering you." I unintentionally rhymed while I took a seat next to her.

Jane looked at me like I'd just told her I saw a cross between a pig and a llama. "That's creepy..." She commented. "It has been a busy week, that's all." She clarified.

"I've noticed. When's the deadline?" I asked her. It was like I'd been living alone this entire week, Jane only came in to sleep and occasionally she'd grab some food from the fridge or changed her clothes.

"Tomorrow. Finally! There's this one douche in my group and he's pulling us all down. I really want to handcuff him, throw him in the trunk of my car and leave him somewhere in an abandoned warehouse where the rats can eat at his eyes." Jane complained.

"Wow, that's dark." I was only slightly scared because I'd gotten used to her dark humor. Even though I was pretty sure she wasn't joking at this moment.

"Or maybe I could cook his parents and let him eat them. I'm pretty sure I got my inspiration from South Park from that one." Jane pondered a little too seriously about the subject.

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