Epilogue: how I lost my phone

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6 months later

Sometimes when I get distracted, I tend to forget things. By 'sometimes', I mean it happens on a weekly basis. I forget my wallet, my keys, I forget to charge my phone or I leave my jacket somewhere. Sometimes I even forget my sanity.

It doesn't matter. I learned not to get worried about lost stuff anymore because it usually didn't take me long to get them back.

"But yours is bright yellow!" Jane complained while scratching her hair.

Forgotten item of the day; my phone. Technically, I didn't lose it. There was indeed a phone on my kitchen counter. Unfortunately, it wasn't mine.

I went to get some coffee after class and even though there was a long queue, I decided to persevere because I needed that coffee badly. To make the time pass, I had my phone to keep me company until something else came along. Michelle spotted me standing in line and decided to have a chat with me about rehearsals. By the time my turn was over, I blindly grabbed my phone on a nearby table and went back to my dorm.

Until Jane realised it wasn't my phone. You see, my phone case is bright yellow so I'd always recognise it. Oh, the irony. I still mistakenly grabbed another phone. It didn't even have a case and I figured the owner must be a reckless person. A phone without a case wouldn't survive long if it were mine.

"I told you I needed that coffee," I meekly tried to defend myself. "What now?" I said, grabbing the strange phone.

"Call a person in their contacts," Jane suggested. She was extremely fed up with this. I learned that whenever I lost stuff, she'd get stressed out. As if she was personally offended by my forgetfulness.

"I don't know the passcode. Maybe I should try my own." I told Jane.

"Lu, that's not g-"

"Hey, it worked!" I exclaimed.

"Oh God, please don't tell me your passcode is 1111." Jane told me while she was holding her head. I think she was worried her own brain might explode from the stupidity of the situation.

"Okay, I won't." I snickered. "Hmm, who should I call?"

"Maybe you should call your own phone." Jane advised me and I decided it was a good plan. I didn't like calling people but I was calling myself so it was different. Well, I wasn't calling myself but I was calling my own phone. This was getting complicated.

I got a little nervous as I was waiting for someone to pick up my phone. What if it was still in the coffee shop? It must be feeling so lonely and neglected. Poor little phone.

"Yes?" A voice in my ear said all of a sudden.

"Hello? Hey, hi! Eh... you have my phone." I told the person a little awkwardly.

"No, you're calling me on my phone." The voice said as if it was the most stupid thing he'd heard that day.

"Check your phone case." I replied and waited patiently.

"Right, I don't remember buying a yellow phone case. I want my phone back,"  the person said.

"Yeah, w-"

"I don't like talking on the phone. Do you?"

"No, I dreaded calling you, well I was calling me but you picked up." I explained vaguely.

"You don't call yourself, it's easier to talk to yourself." The guy said matter-of-factly.

"I know, I do it all the time. To myself or inanimate objects. Or animals." I stated.

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