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The sun didn't set that day. It fell. The usual orange and yellow hues did not show. Only gray. As if the whole world was smoking. Which, in turn, means it was on fire. And it was. But it was not a fire I could control. It wouldn't have mattered how hard I tried, the weight of it all would have crushed me. The weight too much for a small twelve-year old. The enemy too strong.
Little did my dad know, that same enemy was too strong for him too. Little did he know it would be his end and I would be forced to watch him crumble.
It wasn't two hours after dad said goodbye that mom got a phone call. She packed a few food items and a couple photo albums. Stuffing the supplies into two backpacks, she gave one to myself and one to Tori. She told all of us to load up in the car. With one last look at our house, she shut the front door and took her spot in the drivers seat.
In the passengers seat I watched out the window. "Why does it look like that, mom?" I asked referring to the sky. At that time I couldn't explain, but I just knew it looked wrong. Something was wrong.
"I don't know, Kyle." She glanced out the window too. "I don't know, baby." She repeated. "But hey, look. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna be ok. Alright?"
I nod. "Ok." She manages a small smile that I do my best to return.
Her phone rings. "Ellen." She answers. "I know, Ben called. I was just about to call you." She lowers her voice a bit. "Ellen is this really happening? I never thought we'd use it. Ever." She glances out the window again. "I'm fully intending to help get as many people out, but my kids are my priority right now. I need to get them somewhere safe first." She pauses, listening. "Alright. We'll head there. See you soon." She hangs up the phone.
"What'd she say?" I ask eagerly.
"We're going go meet them at city hall. They have a basement that will be safe. And that's where everyone is told to go in the event the plan is a go."
"The plan? As in--" We're told about that thing in school. Never why it was made, but just that it was and what to do. We're supposed to check in at the nearest city hall. There they are suppose to begin teleporting people off the planet.
She looks at me and back at the road. "The Syndicate Plan."

I let out a sigh of relief as we pull into the lot. End of shift. Time to restock the truck and then clock out. Friday has finally arrived. Jordan and Arik's big day.

I check my watch once again. 5:26pm. The event's at 7pm. Yeah, I got time to shower before I meet up with Sky. Her shift should be ending here soon. We're planning to ride to the graduation together from the hospital.

"Nice to have a quiet day around this town." Mike, my partner for today, says as we bring out a box of supplies to the truck.

"Yeah, seems those are few and far between." Some days being an EMT feels like you're always hurrying from one place to another. Most calls aren't extreme cases, but we're still trying to beat the clock.

A call comes over the radio. Mike and I freeze and listen. The ever muffled dispatch lady blurts out info at us. A "bus" requested at 322 Lenox. Officers on scene.

That address isn't far from here. "You had to say it Mike." I say shaking my head. He smirks and grabs his radio and confirms that we're en route. We close up the truck and take to our seats, Mike driving and me riding shotgun. I glance at my watch 5:32. I run a hand through my hair. Yeah, I got time.

Not five minutes later we pull up to the scene. I grab the duffel and head over while Mike gets the stretcher. I analyze the scene before me. One male. Two cops on the scene. One is pressing his hand to the guys chest. The other has his weapon drawn scanning his surroundings. Nope, this doesn't look good.

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