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Somehow myself and Gage got stuck with the job of making sandwiches for the trip. Not sure how Kyle and Hayden weaseled their way out of this one. We've got music playing from my phone off the speaker the Westons keep in their kitchen.

"We've got three different cheeses and if you want some lettuce I can wash some. Oh look we even have spinach. Though I'm not sure how long it's been in here." Ellen says as she scrounges through the fridge.

"Mom, I know how to make a sandwich." Gage assures her.

"Ok, ok. Just trying to help." I think that came out more wounded than she wanted. I give Gage a look saying "go apologize". He looks a little guilty.

"I'm sorry mom. It's just that, we aren't little kids. We're gonna be fine. You don't have to worry." He says, attempting to sound reassuring.

"I'm a mom, Gage. It's my job to worry." She gives a smile and pats his shoulder. Not sure how to reply to that, Gage and I say nothing and just listen to Boston as it plays from the classic rock station.

After Henri's "briefing" we all eventually dwindled home or to the Westons. Ellen thought it would be a good idea to pack food so we won't have to stop and therefore save time. She's always thinking ahead like that. I should really be taking notes.

I have to hide a smile as I think again of the ring in my pocket. I'm so incredibly happy. Even our current situation can't really cloud the happiness I have knowing I'm going to marry Dean, my best friend.

I had mixed feelings when Kyle texted me the "roster" for this trip. Flattered and glad, but also guilt and hesitation that I'll be leaving Dean so soon after our engagement. Hopefully he won't be too upset about it.

Right after I heard, I texted Dean telling him I needed to see him. I've got to explain things to him. Once again, I'm so thankful I told him long ago about my family and our past. Some days I still can't believe he bought it.

"Ellen you got any fruit we can chop up and bring?" I say because one, I love fruit, and two, I want Ellen to feel useful.

"I just bought some strawberries the other day."


"I think I had to stick them in the fridge in the garage though." She leaves to go retrieve them.

I hear someone entering the kitchen and I turn. "Hey, Arik."

"Hi." He leans against the counter behind us. "Y'all....uh, got a minute?"

Gage and I share a brief confused look. "Course, what's up?"

He looks behind him, checking that we're alone. "I wanted someone going on the trip to know. I didn't want it to be dad and Kyle is well... I just didn't want to tell Kyle."

"Ok..." I say wanting him to continue.

"It's about Hayden. He was acting weird the other day."

"In what way?" Gage pries.

"It was last night when we got word about Jay and Sky. I went into his room to get him and he was just..sitting there." I expect Gage to have some stupid remark like "well people do sit", but he remains silent. I glance at him and he seems genuinely concerned.

Arik continues. "He was glazed over and he kept saying something." He pauses. "It was hard for me to hear, but it sounded like he was saying Kathryn's name." Kathryn. Hayden's twin. She died so long ago and I haven't thought about her in a long time. Has Hayden still not recovered from her death? How much do you recover though, when your twin dies? "It was like he was awake but asleep too. I had to call his name like five times to get him to wake up." He sighs. "I know it sounds strange and not like a big deal, but I'm just..I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about it." Again I expect a snide remark from Gage. A "Lord forbid we rely on your 'feelings.'". But again he is silent.

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