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I love food way too much. Honest to God, if I didn't run I'd be as big as a barge. I think about this as I pull the third batch of french fries out of the oven. My mouth is watering.

"Your life sounds so exciting. I can't wait to be a college student." Lorelai exclaims. She's been talking Avery's ear off for the past fifteen minutes.

"Ha. Well it's harder than you think. But from what Danny's told me, you'll do great in college." Avery replies. I'm caught off guard by her use of "Danny." I look at Tori and mouth the name to her with a look of disbelief. She replies with a look of confusion and shrugs. Sure, Danny is a totally acceptable nick name for Daniel. Except for the fact that he absolutely hates it.

For a change of subject I interject, "So how's your mom settling in?"

"She's doing great. She's learning to accept all the strange quirks of the south."

I smile. I remember when we first came here and started picking up all the weird southern sayings and especially the accent. Now you'd never guess we weren't born in the south. "Well, I'm glad to hear it."

June joins us in the kitchen. "Good news, Kyle is not burning the burgers." Four of us share a laugh. Avery smiles, but looks kind of confused.

"Kyle burned the burgers once." I explain. "And we haven't let him live it down." That's not the whole story, of course. Kyle decided he'd try and cook them in his hands. Yeah, that didn't work. I can't tell her this, because she's not yet been enlightened on our family history. But the rest of us remember that day well.

"Alright, the tables are set up outside. Luckily it's not too muddy." Jay says as he, Daniel and Arik enter the kitchen.

"Great we can start taking stuff out there." I say grabbing some hot-pot holders and toss one to Tori and her strangely giddy self. "And everyone gets to help."

"Fantastic." Arik grumbles a bit. I give him a death stare. "Just kidding."

We all grab different dishes and head through the back door out to the yard where everyone else has evidently congregated. Our dining table is too small for everyone and there's not enough room to add an extra one so we're forced to bring the tables outside. I love it though. The weather is pleasant with the summer heat delaying its arrival.

I look around me and smile. Call me old, but I love having the gang all together. My smile slacks a bit when I notice we're missing our fearless leader. Henri isn't here. Turning I locate Ellen who's carrying on a conversation with Trina Mathison. I say a few words to Hayden and Jake on my way over to them. Reaching them I give them both hugs. We make small talk for a minute and then I finally ask Ellen about Henri.

"He's on his way. Got hung up with something at work." I nod. I don't know what could have him staying late at the store, but I push the curiosity away when I remember I've left the lemonade in the fridge. With a disgruntled sigh, I leave the group to go retrieve it.

In the kitchen I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and find the owner to be Jay. "Hey. Need something?"

"Yes, actually. A wanted to ask you alone, so as to avoid attention." He laughs. Perks of having a big family. "They're playing a movie in the park tonight. I don't know what one, probably some Disney movie."

"Probably." I laugh.

"I thought we could maybe go together."

"Absolutely. I need to get out and do something. Too many shifts in a row."

"So it's settled. Everyone should head home by that time anyway."

I nod in agreement. My stomach suddenly knots as the events of last night re-enter my mind. I know we need to talk about it, but part of me really wishes the nervous thoughts would somehow disappear. "We need to talk about last night, don't we?"

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