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I love late spring nights. When the sky is clear and the stars abound. The moon is almost full and provides plenty of light. The air is warm, but you still have the breeze with a slight chill in it. Reminds me of being a kid when we'd get those glow sticks in all different colors and run around the woods at night. Yes, a stupid idea, but we knew those woods like, I don't know, something you know really well. Teague and I would run off and hide behind trees and scare the crap out of Daniel and Skylar. Tori was too smart and mature for that, evidently.

I smile thinking about it, sitting on the Mathisons back porch. I escaped out here when the house started to feel too full. Peace and quiet is hard to get around here, but sometimes that's all you need. I just need a minute to wrap my head around things.

Hearing the back door opening, I turn. Spoke too soon I guess. Justin exits the house and takes a seat next to me. It's a minute before he or I say anything.

"I guess I owe you a thank you." He says. I turn to him. He's still got a bandage on his head, but it seems to have stopped bleeding finally.

"Not really." I reply, shaking my head. "I didn't do much."

"Yeah, you did Kyle. Just accept the thank you." I smile hearing the sarcasm in his voice.

"Alright, fine. You're welcome." My thoughts turn to my discovery this morning. I went back to the wreck, figuring I should pick up any stuff that was in Jay's truck before the tow truck got there. I found his phone and wallet along with Sky's. I was reaching for his duffel when wrapping paper caught my eye. I reached for it and found that it was a mostly unwrapped, plain, whit box. And of course I'm going to open it.

I opened the book inside and there it was, the ring. From there it wasn't very hard to figure out what Justin had had planned. I guess now would be the best time to bring it up. "I found your gift for Sky, by the way."

His face slacks in relief. "You did?"

"Yeah. I would have mentioned it earlier, but--" He shakes his head understanding.

"So I guess it wasn't hard to figure out." He looks a little embarrassed.

"Nope." He looks down at his feet. "It's not stupid. She would have loved it. And she still will."

"Yeah, well, I think it'll be a while now."

"There's no time like the present, as they say. Whoever they is. But I get it, just know that waiting isn't always the best choice. Trust me." He nods, I suppose deciding not to ask the obvious that I'm speaking from experience. It's all in the past now though.

The back door opens once again and Jordan steps out into the night air. "Am I interrupting something? You know what, don't answer that because I actually don't care." He grins.

"Wow Jordan, tell us what you really think." Justin jabs.

"Not exciting enough for you in there?" I ask, although Jordan's usually the life of the party.

"Sheesh those people. Even Teague is acting like it's a funeral. I get it's a serious matter, but people need to loosen their ties a bit." I smirk a little. Any other day I might be bothered by the remark. After all people we love have died for this "serious matter". But right now it's actually nice, comforting even. Maybe I should take some lessons from my baby brother.

"Maybe you should tell them that. You're good at giving your opinion." Justin jabs again.

"Funny, Jay, funny. No thank you, I think I'll keep my mouth shut this time." We give him crap, but he's good at taking insults in stride.

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