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We stand around dad's grave for a few more minutes. The funeral was quick. Mom said this wasn't how she would have wanted, but it was what they had to do. We had to get off Skorix as soon as possible. It's hard for me to understand all this, but I just listen to mom and Henri and trust them and do what they say.
It wasn't long after Tori shouted at us in that office room that Mom found us. I wasn't sure what was going on, but somehow gathered that Dad was gone. He didn't feel gone to me though.
Tori holds my hand. Tears running down her face. I feel like I should cry too, but they don't come. Kyle isn't crying either, though, so maybe it's good I be like him.
"We've got to go." Mom says, wiping a stray tear off her cheek. I don't like seeing her cry. "Time is running out."
We head back inside city hall, into the big front room. People are still gathered around. Some disappear before us, teleporting off the planet to some other planet. A better planet. I wonder what it will be like. Will the people there look like us? Will there even be people there?
"This isn't going to be easy. I've never teleported this many people at one time before." I hear mom explain to Henri and Ellen.
"If it comes down to it, I'll stay." Henri says. His face looks so sad.
"Henri, no. I won't let you." Ellen grabs his arm.
"Elle, we may not have a choice."
Mom shakes her head. "No, I can do this. We're going to be fine." She starts to say something else, but is cut off by a loud noise. "What was that?"
"You locked that door didn't you?" Ellen asks Henri.
"Yeah, we're one of the last ones left in town."
"Do you think it's him?"
He shakes his head. "He wouldn't. Not when we have the other two rings." He pauses. "But he might send Marshals to try and get them. As a last resort."
Mom turns to him. "I think he's taking his last resort." Two towering men--things enter the main room through the back hallway. The ground suddenly shakes, knocking everyone off their feet including the two Marshals as Henri called them. People scream.
"This is a distraction. He doesn't want us to make it off this planet and especially not with those rings." Henri shouts over the noise of things crashing around us.
Jordan clings to me and I to Teague. "Just hang on." Teague says as we wait for the ground to stop trembling.
"We're running out of time, Cora. Let me take care of one and you and Ellen get the other."
"Just get back here in time. I'm not leaving you." She instructs him. He nods. As soon as the trembling stops he takes off running with his super speed carrying one of the Marshals away with him. "Elle, some sparky-ness would be really helpful right about now." Ellen turns to her kids and then runs at the remaining Marshal, her hands all aglow with electricity. And she starts shooting out of her hands.
Mom looks to all of us to make sure we're all ok. "Go to the far corner and stay back and stay together." We obey and move to said corner. We huddle together, trying to make ourselves feel safer. I'm scared, but I continue watching the chaos that has ensued. People screaming, some disappearing off to the other planet. Some people join Mom and Ellen.
The ground starts shaking again and I burry my face in Teague's hoodie. I just want all this to be over.

Avery's productivity makes me feel like such an underachiever. We haven't even been out of school a week and she's already scoped out possible job opportunities. I don't know how she does it. She's always on top of things. It's all I can do to try and keep up.

"Come on, you must have some idea of where you want to work this summer." Avery picks at me.

"I don't even have tomorrow planned, Avery. I just need a break for a couple weeks. A break from having a schedule for each day. This semester was ridiculous and I need a breather." I try to explain to her. I made the mistake of taking way too many classes. Wanted to cram as many in as I could so my senior year might be a little easier. Well, I can tell you, it's not worth it. I passed all my classes with flying colors, but it was brutal.

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