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Kathryn isn't alone this time. There's someone with her, but I can't make out who it is. Everything is a blur except Kathryn. But the presence of the person immediately spikes fear in me.

They stand a ways away from me, conversing. I strain to hear them, but to no avail. I see Kathryn shake her head and then she turns toward me. "Hayden." I try to speak, but I still can't. "You don't have to speak. Just think. I'll understand you."

At first I think that's ridiculous, but then I remember that this is a dream anyways and I'm seeing my dead sister. So I take a breath and close my eyes. "Kathryn." I say in my mind.

"See? It's working." She says. I sigh in relief and tears threaten to spring to my eyes.

"It's been so long." I think.

"Too long." I smile, but then shake my head.

"Wait, this isn't real. You're dead." She looks down and a shadow covers her face.

"What's going on? Why does this feel so real?"

"What if it is?" She raises her head.

"How--" The dream fades.

I make no noise this time when I wake up. I'm not sure why I've woken up, I'm more tired now than when I went to bed. Although I don't remember when that was.

"Hayden!" I turn and see Arik in the doorway of my room. "It's Jay and Sky. They were in an accident."

"What?" I ask in a bit of shock, but still not moving.

"They're headed to the Mathisons. Now come on!" With that he leaves. I force myself up despite the exhaustion that's settled over me. Suddenly what Arik just said hits me. I curse quietly to myself and snap out of my dream. Justin and Sky. Accident? What kind of accident? Are they ok?  I hurriedly get ready and soon we're out the door.


I could have lost him today. This thought keeps spinning in my head as I watch him sleep, watch his chest rise and fall with each quiet breath. I could have lost him today. I don't think you realize how much you love someone until they're almost taken from you.

The image of him lying in the middle of the road flits into my mind. Kyle said he'd be ok. But after he hung up I had to just lay there and wait. Unable to do anything, fighting against the thought of him being dead.

I let out a deep breath and settle back into the chair. We're in the Mathisons guest room. I pulled the comfy arm chair from the corner over to the bed so I could sit next to Jay. Jake said he'd be fine. Mild concussion, but nothing to worry about. Whatever cut him doesn't seem to have any lasting effects.

I finally look up and see that the room has brightened. Looking out the window I see the sun is starting to rise. I slept in this chair for only about two hours last night. Someone came in and put a blanket on me. I run my hand over the plush surface. I then notice the sweatshirt I'm wearing. A high school lacrosse one. I smell it and smile. Smells like Daniel. He must have lent it to me sometime last night, but I don't really remember.

A soft knock sounds and in walks Tori, carrying two mugs of what I hope is hot coffee. She smiles. "I come bearing gifts." She strides over and hands me one.

I take a long sip of the beautiful liquid. "Thanks." There's something different about her, but I can't place it.

"I figured you'd need some." She says and I decided to forget about it.

"And you'd be right."

"You didn't have to sit here all night. There are about a dozen other eligible people out there."

"I know, but I wanted to. I think I'll head home for a quick shower soon though."

"Hmm, I suggest a long shower."

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