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I just realized something, I have not had Rachel in this book, like at all. I think she was mentioned in a conversation between Finn and Kurt, but that was all, besides when Kurt was introducing everyone to Adam, and in the first Kristy chapter. So, here we are, Rachel gets her own chapter, and we see how she feels about Rae coming to McKinley

I glared at Finn who was giving puppy dog eyes to Kurt. I was infuriated that he was mooning over a boy. Maybe I wouldn't be so mad if this was a girl he was mooning over, but a boy, and my best friend at that. And he honestly couldn't think I hadn't seen him staring at Kurt while singing Little Things with the boys, could he? That would've been a stupid expectation, like a really stupid expectation.

I was infuriated about a lot of things though, like the fact that Rae didn't seem to acknowledge me during Glee Club or any other time of school. We were sisters for crying out loud, and she was acting like I didn't even exist! Or maybe like we weren't sisters. I was furious about that, incredibly furious.

See, my dads both decided they wanted another kid, so a couple years after I was born, they found my mom, Shelby, and had another kid with her: Rae.

Rae has been through a lot of trouble, and no matter how hard my family tries, we can't seem to figure out what her problem is. So, she's been going to boarding schools ever since she hit her rebellious middle school years. Every single year, she's had to get transferred to a new one. It seemed like she had been doing good this past year, but then once again she totally blew up shortly before school started, and our dads just decided to send her here to McKinley. So now I was stuck with a girl who thought she knew everything, and who acted like we weren't even related.

I got off my chair when the bell rang signaling History was over with, and walked over to Finn, deciding to try to get back in his good books, because honestly? We were perfect for each other, and we both knew that he wasn't gay, so I don't know why he acted like he wanted to be or something.

Short and sweet, just the way I like it :) Hope you like Rachel, even though I don't particularly care for her.


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