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Dang Puck, I thought, silently cursing at my step-brother. He had locked me out of the house. I could hear loud music, and I assumed he was throwing a party.

I called Blaine, my super awesome boyfriend.

"Blaine," I said, after he picked up. "Where are you?"

"Hi Kurt! What did you say?" he yelled. I could hear music in the background, so I assumed that he was at the party.

"Blaine!" I yelled really loudly. "Could you come open the door for me?"

"I can't!" he screamed back. I noticed that he was slurring his words, and I wondered how much he had to drink. I had thought he gave up on drinking, but I guess I was wrong.

Then the phone went click.

I couldn't believe it, my own boyfriend hung up on me.

Then, I scrolled down through my contacts to find someone who would be at the party who would let me in my house. God dammit, I thought. Locked out of my by my own brother. Puck, I am totally going to kill you!

Sebastian-I don't know why I even have his number. Yeah, so Puck probably invited the ex-Warbler to the party, but that didn't mean he would open the door for me. We hated each other.

Jesse-Again, not sure why I have his number. I think he gave it to me. He wouldn't open the door for me though.

Mike-Probably not even at the party. Most likely still sobbing over his breakup with Tina.


Santana-She hates me. Why do I have numbers for people who would like to kill me? I don't know.

Brittany-Would she even know to open the door? Sometimes I wonder about her.


Finn-Maybe. I guess I could give it a try. I mean, what's to lose?

I dialed Finn's number. It took a couple of rings, but he answered.

"Hey, Finn!" I yelled. "Are you at my house?"

"Yeah," Finn replied. "Where are you at? I've been looking all over for you!"

"I've been locked out by my neanderthal of a brother," I replied dryly. "Can you come let me in?"

"Sure," Finn said. Then the phone went click.

I waited for Finn to let me in. I hoped it wouldn't take too long, because I was freezing.

Just then, the door opened, and there stood Finn.

"Where's Blaine at?" I shouted. I couldn't even here myself think with all this music on.

"He was hanging with Sebastian the last time I checked," Finn replied.

Dammit I cursed. My boyfriend was letting that slimy little gutface hang out with him? Blaine really couldn't be that smart if he thought Sebastian didn't like him. It was the most obvious thing in the world. I'm pretty sure even Brittany knew about it. And Brittany just isn't that smart.

"Well, then," I told him. "Do you mind hanging with me?"

"No, of course not," he replied. "You are my friend, after all."

"Cool," I told him. I was glad we got to hang out, because it seemed like we never hung out anymore.

"Come, on," he said, and for the first time I realized that Finn sounded drunk. I was then unsure if I wanted to hang out with him. "You coming?" he asked again.

"Yeah, sure," I replied uncertainly.

"Cool," he said. He led me into the kitchen, where he got me a beer.

Why not? I thought. It wasn't as if no one else at the part was drunk.

"Thanks," I told him after I cracked it open.  

A Very Messed Up Glee FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now