Chapter 37

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He stood by the door for around 5 minutes, greeting Dylan and talking, probably slagging me off. Charlotte didn't bother saying anything, she just waited for me to speak. Eventually, he spotted me. We made eye contact. He didn't give me a dirty look, but it wasn't exactly happy. He muttered something and then walked into another room. I sighed with relief.

"Okay, I think it's time" Charlotte said

"To?" I asked

"Dresses. Makeup. Hair, we making that boy jealous" She smirked, leading me to the bathroom. She put down her bag.

She started by looking throught the infinite selection of slutty looking dresses she'd manage to fit in her bag. After ages of deciding, she pulled out a red dress, not loose, but not tight, not casual, but not slutty. It was perfect. I changed into it and literally died.

"This makes me feel more than insecure" I moaned

"You look flawless" She gasped happily.

I knew she wouldn't let me change, so I went with it, I put on some black flats and ignored every chonce she took (sorry I had to say chonce) to try and make me wear makeup. I let my hair flow loosely around my shoulders. She changed into something fairly similar, her dress was blue, and she wore blue heels, she also spent at least 20 minutes doing her hair. She looked amazing though.

"Let's go!" She said excitedly.

We made our way downstairs, we instantly started looking for Joshua, needing the info about Caleb. We found him in the dining room, talking to one of Caleb's friends.

"Hey! You're wearing a dress for once!" He laughed

"Stop. It looks ugly on me." I laughed childishly.

"Hey, aren't you Caleb's girlfriend?" Jack asked, staring at me, making me feel incredibly insecure.

"Yeah, I guess, we kinda argued" I said, not wanting to call him my boyfriend as such.

"Oh, does he know your here?" Jack asked, looking around for Caleb.

"No, wouldn't be surprised if he was with another girl by now" I laughed, my heart breaking as I spoke.

"Haha, be right back" He excused himself.


"Bro, she's here" Jack ran up to me.

"Who?" I asked

"Gemma" He said

Fuck. She was here? I knew she'd hate if I was here, I came here to get out her way, not intrude her. I asked where she was and he leaded me to where she was, she was laughing with Charlotte and Joshua, and some other boys and girls I'd never met. She looked amazing, she never really wore dresses around me, or ever. The color red really suited her, it complimented her her colour. She looked gorgeous as always, I'd rather be with her than any other girl at this party. I pretended not to care.

"Oh well, let's go get some drinks!"

30 minutes later, I was exactly where I didn't want to be. My friends had pratically shoved various beers and vodkas down my throat. I was more than drunk. I had girls giving me lap dances, me giving in. I was a mess. I wanted Gemma. I knew she'd hate me for this.


He was doing the expected, getting drunk, getting girls attention, and I hated it. I couldn't stand it. I'd spent the last god knows how long dodging every oppurtinity to drink alchohol, I just wouldn't.
Although, later on, I gave in. I accepted the challenge of drinking. I drunk more than enough. My words were slurred and I had no clue how many boys I'd been in contact with. Charlotte was the same, we weren't that bad yet, we weren't drunk, we knew kind of what we were doing, we knew we shouldn't have done it. Caleb was probably making out with some girl, and Charlotte was definately making out with some boy. I'd gotten gestures and sexual lookss from alot of boys, but I just walked away, one of Caleb's friends gave me a drunken kiss, which now meant I smelt of the most disgusting beer possible and I felt guilty. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I probably might have kissed a random person, but one of Caleb's friends? No way. That was not my style. I lifted myself onto the kitchet counter, rested my head back did nothing.

"Hey" A boy, who looked around 15, around my age, propped himself up next to me.

"Hey" I sighed

"Avoiding someone?" He laughed

"How did you know?" I giggled.

"Caleb's been drunkenly muttering Gemma and no go away wheres Gemma and saying you hate him" The boy laughed

"Oh my god, he's so immature. I wish he'd grow up" I said, fed up.

"It's okay" The boy laughed

"OI OI CODY GET HERE" Someone shouted

"I'll be back" Cody said, sliding off the counter and running towards his friends.


I couldn't stand this. What was I doing? I was betraying my girlfriend. I stood up,beggining to go find her.

"Oiiii, the fuck you goin?" Oliver said, drunk as hell.

I ignored him. Walking out of the room, finding my way to the kitchen. I saw Gemma. Not the way I expected, her lips, locked with Cody's.

A/n ,, should i carry on with this??

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