[never again] - The Story of a Storm and a Rock

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This is a tale
of a Ship that set sail
A few months ago
But was shady and low
The Storm (how fierce!)
and the Rock (how stubborn!)
Banded together
and created a bond
That only seemed
to last Forever

The Rock, so bold
Always stayed the same
Not succumbing to the old
That was her aim

The Storm, however
Changed with anything!
Changed into whatever,
Whatever sufficed

They were inseparable
The best of both worlds
Working with whatever they were capable,
Capable of anything that unfurled

But one day the Rock
Didn't dare talk to the Storm
The Storm was in shock
Whatever had she done?
She begged, she pleaded
But the Rock stayed, unwilling to talk

The Storm, hurt
Began to pour
for months and months
with no sign of her bore

Meanwhile, the Rock was silent
But only to the Storm
no one else suspected
That she would ignore

After months
and months of rain
the Storm then realized
an odd thing

Her plan was simple
Easily thought out
Getting back at the Rock
For leaving her alone

The rain stopped
to every ones surprise
and a hot sun beat down
Soon leaving everything in a drought

"What is going on?"
Now the Rock was confused
Everyone, big and small
confusion spread

Then the fires
The wild, crazy fires
Burning everything in its path
lighting it ablaze

The Rock just laughed
The Storm was trying to Hurt her!
"I am a rock, fool
Nothing can hurt me!"

The Storm just chuckled
She cursed her old ways
She would not bend down to anything
Anyone anywhere
Ever again
Her confidence soared
Especially to a pathetic rock
That never changes

"I was so pitiful"

Clouds gathered up
Spinning rapidly
a Funnel!
Now the Rock was scared

"You can stop now,
Maybe save it for another day."
The tornado would surely
Rip her apart!

Now the Storm laughed
A great, booming, hearty laugh
that echoed everywhere
Now the world knew what happened

"Why should I,
a mighty Storm,
listen to you?
When all this time you have ignored me
and refused to listen to me?

The storm grew ever larger
the Funnel finally touching down
The storm of the century!
Fire and wind becoming one!
How scary!

The Rock was horrified
but kept it within her
"Who are you calling a Hypocrite?
Your insults are pathetic!
Weak! Useless! Pointless!
They do nothing!"

The fire twister was coming closer
the flames soon surrounding the Rock
Licking at her hungrily
Sick and twisted

The Storm smiled
Coming closer to the Rock
"You are the useless one
You never change
It's boring to be so static
Why don't you change?

"While you deserted me
and left me in Solitude
I thought long and hard
About the situation
and realized

The Storm laughed
and laughed
and laughed
The Rock cowered
while the flames finally picked her up
Closer and closer to the Storm

"I don't need you!
All you did was bring me misery!
I cried over you
My life was centered around you
You were everything
Until I realized
You were killing me
Killing my being
Killing my confidence
And now I am angry!
You can't control me!
No matter what you say!
I could care less
You have no idea
What I have been through
but now that is over
I am a new person
I don't need you in my life

Smashed into pieces
But still very alive
The Rock fell
and landed softly into a bush

And then soft rain
Full of minerals
Eroding the Rock
with her own tears

"I will not stand for this treatment!"
The Storms voice screamed across the land
Now the Rock understood
but stayed silent
Slowly shrinking
and disappearing
like the Storm had willed her

The Storm smiled again
and the sun shone
not as harsh as before
Her work was done

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