lubię//i like

15 0 1

Polish is a flowing
Free feeling language
With words like
And mężczyzna//man
And even though
It looks like keysmashing
It sounds like Italian
Just as royal as French
Yet as alluring as Russian

Polish is like
The girl in the front
Of the class
Her head down slightly
Her eyes full of
A dull disinterest
Yet she becomes alive
When she talks about
Her love of the arts
Her voice is low
Silky yet powerful
She's a dominating type
One that could crush
You with her innocence
And have you begging
With her confidence
Yet she's modest

Polish is like
The guy aimlessly
Staring around the room
Near the back
Quiet and somewhat gruff
With a slightly scruffy
Look to him
Yet dishes out sarcasm
To anyone unwilling
With wit sharper than
A butcher knife
He has a sensetive side
One that leaves you
Wondering if you're
With a teenage girl
Or a nearly adult man
Yet you can't help
But find him
Incredibly adorable

Polish is like
The obvious friendship
Between two very
Different yet
Undeniably similar people
A living contradiction
Yet a small flicker
Of hope that
Maybe not all is lost
That maybe it will work out
That maybe we will
Be happy once more
With each other

Polish is like
Wishful thinking
Like light rain
Like a weak gust
And ja lubię
(I like it)

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