Lion Hearted Girl

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Hello!!! My name is Kathryn! I also write "Start my new life again...." This is my new book I hope you all like it! 

ALSO this is kinder a Twilight Fan Fic, but there is NO BELLA! Also Its a Jasper love kind a thing. 

Tell me what you think!!! xoxo


AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHH!!!!!!!! Working a night shift at a 24/7 diner.... not fun! It’s my first day working here at ‘Meg’s Diner’ and third day in Forks. It is cold and wet....I love it! It is beautiful the colours are amazing and the scenery, breathtaking.

But night time at the diner not fun... at all! There are a couple of drunks, a very grabby old man, every time I walk past he ether slaps my arse or pinchers. I cringe.

And other people ask if I am single or want to go out. I say ‘people’ cause both guys and girls ask. I guess I am alright looking...... I mean I don’t break the mirror.

I am shortish 5’6, my skin is very dark olive, I have auburn hair it’s all wavy and ringlets down to my middle of my back. I am pretty thin, not skin and bones though no I love my food, when I get my chance to eat. But I like to keep in shape, I love to Dance and fight so I have to keep fit for that. I have a pretty big bust I fit very well in a D cup; Jane always complains that mien is bigger than heirs. SLUT! I am her best friend pretty much sisters, I am aloud to say that, plus she is, well.... But she responds to it.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Flash  back*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Alec and I were sitting on Jane’s bed she was on the floor panting her nails.

“I am BORED!” I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air. Alec nodded in agreement.

“Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnneeeeeee.” Alec moaned, but she seemed deep in her thoughts.

“JANE!” I shouted.... no response.. “JANE!” ....Nothing!.... “Jane! Jane! Jane! Jane!” Still nothing! “Oi Slut!” I yelled, she looked up like a lost puppy, Alec and I looked at each other then back at Jane then back at each other and bust out laughing.

~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~Flash Back Ends*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


(Oh and she responds to ‘Whore’ as well.)

 I am Irish well no not really I just lived there most of my life, but I was born and semi razed in Africa and well I think my mum is Russian. I remember her singing to me a Russian lullaby when I was little every night. But that stopped when she left, when I was five.  

Now I am just whipping down tables. Suddenly the bell at the door twinkles. GREAT! More costumers.

I slowly walked over to that person’s booth. I look up, my heart exploded. Ladies and Gents we have a Sex God in our mins! He is tall pale, ash blond curly hair, light pink full kissable lips, big warm honey comb eyes. I felt myself getting existed. I would not mind trying out his kissable lips and running my hands threw his curly locks, I wonder what he tastes like..... I shook my head trying to get the naughty thought out. I also say taste because I am witch, but I am stronger and mum said I have the heart of the lion. Anyway, everyone has their own taste or like sent. I don’t know how it works or anything I just found it out, threw the years.

“Good evening cutie, my name is Katarina I will be your waitress tonight. Is there anything I can get you?” I asked making Irish accent making its presents. My accent is weird, it had still a African tinge to it.   I sniffed the air. Oh sweet baby Jesus! My mouth watered. Cinnamon sugar, woods after it rains, refreshing, something else but I can’t put my finger on it. I almost wanted to growl. There is something about him that makes me want him.    

I smiled, I could not help it. I must look like a sad moppet, the guy hasn’t said anything he is just looking at me, I waited, awww he looked like he was struggling. “Well I will give you time to look at the menu, I will be back.” I said and walked away, I felt his eyes follow me. Yet it didn’t make me feel unconfutable, I felt safe.

“WAITRESS! GIVE ME COFFEE!” One of the drunks hollered. I took a deep breath and got the coffee and walked over to him, he was near to the door so I had to walk past Mr Quite Sex God.

“Here you go Sir.” I said, I really don’t like this guy he reminds me of my father. I poured the coffee; he took a sip then spat it out at me. AT ME!

“This taste like shit!” He yelled.

“You tasted shit before?” I asked trying to sound innocently, he glared at me. “I will make you some fresh coffee.” I said and walked away.

I walked back to the drunk, Mr Quite Sex God gave me a small smile, I returned it. I poured the coffee and walked away before he could get it all over me.

“I am sorry about him.” I said to Mr Quite Sex God. Suddenly I heard a sound of someone spitting out coffee... I wonder who that could be... I turned to Mr Drunk, with a discussed expression in his face. Who would of thought!?

“Sir if you don’t like the coffee then DON’T. DRINK. IT.” I called over to him. He started to swear and yell mostly at me. I rolled my eyes, and walked over to him. I took his cup and took a sip.

“You IDIOT! No shit it takes bad you put alcohol in it... what is that? *sniff...sip* Jin, you put Jin in your coffee.” I said half yelling at him. I shook my head and took a breath

“Sorry Sir but I need to ask you to leave not only are you disrupting others, you have brought alcohol. Plus you are obviously drunk, and you are going to endangering people around you and also yourself. So please leave before I call the cops or remove you by force.” I said sweetly. He barked out laughing.

“You bitch you can’t tell me what to do, you fucking whore.” He spat in my face. I acted like it didn’t faze me. I stood my ground, more people entered the Diner.

“Mmm Yeah.... I can tell you what to do when you’re in my diner.” I said my voice sounded deadly at the end, looking him in the eye.

“You girly need to respect your elders.” He slurred. I let out a humourless laugh.

“Sorry Buddy, but people need to earn my respect, and you sir don’t have it.” I said with a small smirk playing on my lips. “Now I asking nicely get the fuck out of this diner.” I smiled, suddenly I felt him punch my cheek. I let my hand cup my hurt cheek. I look a deep breath. He was started to take another wing but I blocked it. I kneed him in the balls.

“You bitch!” He groaned and slaps my cheek. I out his arm and put it behind his back then kicked the back on his knee so he tell to the fall. I took him to the door, the cops where already waiting, I kicked him out the door. I spun around and let out a sigh.

“Sorry about that everyone!” I said. They all looked at me in shock. The chef Greg came rushing out; he had an ice pack in his hand.

“Katarina are you ok? Should I take you to hospital?” He asks his voice full of concern and worry I smiled.

“No thank you ice will do just fine. Plus I had worst.” I said with a shrug I took the ice and thanked him again. I walked over to Mr Quite Sex God.

Nice on Katarina! I thought the whole point of moving here was to get away from men hitting you!! I mentally yell at myself.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” I asked sounded weird sins the ice on my cheek. He smiled.

“No Ma’am, I am fine. But I do think you need to sit down.” He said in a very sexy Southern accent! Quiet Sex God Cowboy!!!! I half smiled and sat down across from him. “Are you feeling alright Ma’am?” He asked.


Hiya! Sooo how do you guys like it? Tell me what you think! 



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